Rams are bad about this also...and I haven't seen any way to prevent it other than luck. I've had 2 Rams (03 and 04) that have never been garaged and the 04 has spent most of its life in Texas and the 03 being an Arizona truck...and no cracks. Lots of other people with 02-08 Rams have had their dash basically disintegrate.
My dad was a mechanic and car love his entire life (Worked for Chrysler dealerships until he retired).
He came home one evening to find me detailing my car in preparation for hot date and asked what I was doing. "Sprucin it up for a date dad ." His reply..."Keep squirting that **** (Armor All) on those vinyl seats and your ass will be ridin the springs in no time." he says. Me being a wiser person than he with my 17 years of experienced informed him that they wouldn't have put it on the market for vinyl if it was harmful to vinyl for crying out loud. All he said was "Okay", gathered his lunch box and went on into the house. Dad isn't one to argue. States his position and moves on.
Sure as certain, within a year I had the seats re-upholstered.
Two valuable lessons were learned:
1) Armor All is bad
2) If my Dad tells you something, take it as gospel