I don't understand people like this, they are some idiots that want to show people that they have read a few things on the internet and it makes them a lawyer. They must have stayed at a Holiday Inn last night before this. People like this make any other responsible gun owners like like back wood hicks (not that I'm not a hick, just more intelligent one than these). Why would you even go to the "pride" event with a gun. To me that's just asking for a problem. I hope that after this guy gets arrested a few more times he looses his rights to carry a firearm.
The best part of all this is the guy filming is just sitting there cussing at people. That makes you look some much more smarter than everyone else. This is just ridiculous and I want my 2 hours back.
The best part of all this is the guy filming is just sitting there cussing at people. That makes you look some much more smarter than everyone else. This is just ridiculous and I want my 2 hours back.
Agreed no need to be rude. The potty mouth guy was Richard Hubbard who got pepper balled in BA park last month. Dosen't help his image the way he is acting on camera. Also their derogatory signs towards LEOs were asinine.
I neither support nor approve of this type of "activism". There are good and bad ways to do pretty much anything in life and this is an example of the latter.
It will be interesting to see if there are any lawsuits and what happens. Its one thing to be a lawyer, its another thing to play one on YouTube when instigating problems.
I honestly have mixed feelings on the way the Tulsa police handled the situation. At the end of the day my feelings are irrelevant and I would like to see what the Law has to say about it.
These guys won't go away, because they believe with everything they are that what they are doing is important. They possess a fundamental belief that they are "educating" the ignorant masses.