Any water you get in this day and age is probably contaminated by more than I really want to think about. I am talking about taking water from a couple of ponds that the only flow they get is run off from a local roadway and from lawns that are saturated with every kind of chemical you can think of, most of which I cannot pronounce. If throwing a pill into a gallon of water will remove 99.99% of those chemicals. I am all for it, tell me where to get them. I have my suspects, that run off from a Korean rice patty is less contaminated than the run off from my lawn, I know your pill will make that safe to drink, not taste good but safe. My neighbors and myself just had almost every lawn on this block, both front and back, sprayed with a per-emerganet that probably has a similar chemical formula to Agent Orange and when the snow melted it ran into the pond I am having to consider for a water source. That is the reason I invested in what I think is the best filter a civilian can get for water purification. The nearest clear mountain streams I can think of are down at Turner Falls, but I have not been there in 20 years, so it may be muddy by now.