ABC Pushes Gun Control Documentary, Absurdly Touts Brady Campaign as 'Not Anti-Gun'

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Special Hen
May 11, 2009
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Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
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Seems to me the only way they will force private citizens to do background checks on potential buyers is if all guns are registered federally.
Which is what they want.
as a first step.
this needs to be fought. perhaps by showing that very few privately sold guns are bought by criminals, who would rather buy their guns on the street from "dealers" who sell in bulk.

Street Rat

Dec 10, 2007
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Wow, that man is so brave, I have a feeling that he is just going to blow the lid off of all the criminal activity that takes place at these gun shows. I'm just speechless at all the selflessness he shows. We should all join in his fight to make this world a safer place. Oh, the humanity...


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Wow, that man is so brave, I have a feeling that he is just going to blow the lid off of all the criminal activity that takes place at these gun shows. I'm just speechless at all the selflessness he shows. We should all join in his fight to make this world a safer place. Oh, the humanity...

Do it "for the children".
And here is another:
"I am pro second amendment, I just want common sense gun laws"...


Special Hen
May 11, 2009
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The problem is, and what they always fail to realize, is that bad guys will get guns no matter how hard you try to make it for them to get the guns.

Blanket policies are not an adequate way to change human nature.

The proof is in the puddin'.

Vicitimization by firearm (rape, assault, robbery, etc) accounts for only 8% of all victimizations.

Homicide by firearm accounts for 66%. While that number is high, logic says the best tool to kill someone,... well, need I say more? But where it all starts to make sense is when you consider the source of the firearm used in all offenses, homicide and victimization.

Why listen to the pro gun crowd or the anti gun crowd? Lets just ask the bad guys where they are getting their guns, shall we?

In a survey of prison inmates:

Less than 2% obtained their firearm at a flea market or gun show.
Approximately 12% obtained their firearm at a retail store or pawnshop.
And the majority, 80%, obtained their firearm from family, a friend or an illegal source (theft/black market).

The answer is clear. Ban families and friends. Noone is allowed to have either anymore. In addition, make theft and black markets illegal... wait, um what?

Ok, that all makes too much sense. Let's back up. So we want to keep firearms out of the hands of bad guys and the mentally ill, right? How many crimes are commited where the bad guy had no previous criminal record or no previous diagnosis of mental disorder? How do you tell if someone is a potential criminal or looney? (rhetorical question, there is no answer)

So, we want to ban guns outright. Lets completely get rid of them, and I mean completely. Not even LEOs can have them, cause lets face it, there has never been a case of a LEO having a sidearm stolen. (sarcasm) Lets take them away from the military, again, there has never been a case of military hardware disappearing, and additionally, there is no such thing as bad guys, like gang members being in the military. (again, sarcasm) So here we are, in our utopian society, free of lead chuckers. Or are we?

It is human nature. Where there is a will to kill, there is a way. You remove guns completely, it will just be replaced with knives. Remove knives, it will be replaced with sticks. Remove sticks, it will be replaced with rocks. Remove rocks... so on and so forth.

We get it, they dont.

Final though: Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.


Special Hen
Dec 30, 2008
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Broken Arrow
The problem is, and what they always fail to realize, is that bad guys will get guns no matter how hard you try to make it for them to get the guns.

Blanket policies are not an adequate way to change human nature.

The proof is in the puddin'.

Vicitimization by firearm (rape, assault, robbery, etc) accounts for only 8% of all victimizations.

Homicide by firearm accounts for 66%. While that number is high, logic says the best tool to kill someone,... well, need I say more? But where it all starts to make sense is when you consider the source of the firearm used in all offenses, homicide and victimization.

Why listen to the pro gun crowd or the anti gun crowd? Lets just ask the bad guys where they are getting their guns, shall we?

In a survey of prison inmates:

Less than 2% obtained their firearm at a flea market or gun show.
Approximately 12% obtained their firearm at a retail store or pawnshop.
And the majority, 80%, obtained their firearm from family, a friend or an illegal source (theft/black market).

The answer is clear. Ban families and friends. Noone is allowed to have either anymore. In addition, make theft and black markets illegal... wait, um what?

Ok, that all makes too much sense. Let's back up. So we want to keep firearms out of the hands of bad guys and the mentally ill, right? How many crimes are commited where the bad guy had no previous criminal record or no previous diagnosis of mental disorder? How do you tell if someone is a potential criminal or looney? (rhetorical question, there is no answer)

So, we want to ban guns outright. Lets completely get rid of them, and I mean completely. Not even LEOs can have them, cause lets face it, there has never been a case of a LEO having a sidearm stolen. (sarcasm) Lets take them away from the military, again, there has never been a case of military hardware disappearing, and additionally, there is no such thing as bad guys, like gang members being in the military. (again, sarcasm) So here we are, in our utopian society, free of lead chuckers. Or are we?

It is human nature. Where there is a will to kill, there is a way. You remove guns completely, it will just be replaced with knives. Remove knives, it will be replaced with sticks. Remove sticks, it will be replaced with rocks. Remove rocks... so on and so forth.

We get it, they dont.

Final though: Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.


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