adding heat to the garage?

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 8, 2015
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Lincoln county
Does that model have the blower on it?
If so, do you think it works well?
Yes, it has the blower on it. Look at the pic again and you can see that it's plugged in (the square one plugged in the bottom is for the timer on the sprinkler system). Top one's for the blower. You turn the fan on and you could sleep in your underwear in the dead of winter in the 3 car garage. Nothing but the best for my Harley.....:freezing:
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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I have an old central heat unit that has been converted to propane in the 30X40 insulated shop. Fabbed up a plenum on top to direct hot air into the shop.
We are total electric at the home so did have to buy a couple small tanks at 88 gallon and 108 gallon to feed it. They typically lasted two winters before needing refilled. Two years ago, I put in a double barrel wood stove. Even in this 0 degree weather, that stove can heat the shop up to the mid 60's or probably more if It was fed it more wood.
In this extreme cold, I have kept a couple of space heaters running in there that maintains 45 degree temps. The propane tanks went dry two years ago and haven't bothered to refill them.
Wood is free for us here in the country with our trees dropping big limbs in the Oklahoma winds. An hour of chainsaw work can keep the stove supplied for a week or more.


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2008
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I installed a 24k BTU MrCool DIY mini-split setup from Costco in my dads 24x30 workshop and he loves the hell out of it. Kept it at 62 degrees the past couple of days in this cold so he’s happy as can be. Keeps it around 75-76 in the summer without any issue.
Apr 11, 2022
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Wow, lots of great ideas so far here!

I’ve had decent results going kinda ghetto with it and just using 2 grill size propane tanks with those little round Mr. Heater dudes on top. Portable, so set them where you need them. My shop is insulated however… but I can turn 2 of those on and come back an hour or two later to a comfortable temp

My father in law used to always run one those jet turbine forced air type heaters in his garage. I hate it! The cheap ******* always runs diesel in it and the fumes are terrible!


Special Hen
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
I just ordered a 5K watt ceiling mount heater for my 3 car garage wherein I have a 220V welder outlet. I will add a #8 three wire lead to it with a plug that will plug into the welder outlet. I won't mount it to the ceiling, I'll just set it on the table saw when needed.

My garage is well insulated, so it ought to be sufficient. Right now, after these last few really cold days - in the mid single to low teen digits - it is 45 degrees in there. I'll let y'all know how well it works when it comes.


Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
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Bristow, OK
So in my house that I sold in mustang the garage was pretty well insulated, took some work, but i could work in it just about year around. I feel like that helped with the electric bill/gas bill quite a bit too. The new house, isn't so new. The garage gets awful cold, and I have zero desire to do anything in it when its cold. I've been thinking of adding some heat to it. First thought was a simple woodburning stove, but I don't know how i would run the exhaust for it without chopping a hole in the wall or ceiling/roof, which is a great way to get murdered in my sleep by the wife. Am I just SOL? How do you guys heat your garages/shops?
I'm going to put a wood stove in my shop after I get the wood stove in the house squared away. Will be using this type of setup. FIL has this in his smaller hunting cabin and it works great with a small stove. My shop is 1600 sq ft so the bigger camp stove should make it nice. These double wall chimney pipe kits for through-wall applications aren't cheap but necessary so you don't set you home ablaze. Only issue I see is you probably shouldn't light a fire in a stove in your garage and then leave it unattended. I guess if you were working on projects in the garage it wouldn't matter.


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