Let me back up a little bit, I would basically recommend what the manufacturers of your unit suggests. And ductwork being undersized is one of the biggest problems I come across in the Tulsa area.Been in the industry for over 20 years and if you keep the window screen clean it's not going to cause problems, what causes problems is when the condenser coil gets stopped up or sprayed from the outside and the debris is pushed into the coil. I could go on for days about it, some condenser coils are double row and must be separated to clean them properly. As far as cheap fiberglass filters, don't use them unless you want to be cleaning your evaporator coil and blower wheel etc etc. It your having airflow problems the cheap filters are a band aid fix. Each system has different requirements as far as airflow. Typically around 400cfm per ton average. I don't put anything around my unit and wash it out a few times a year.