anybody watch 35 days with a gun on fx?

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Special Hen
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
United States
anybody see the show on last night about a very anti-gun person was brought into a family that was huge gun Enthusiasts. This is how about she was; when she heard of gun shot she would start cying just from the sound. They had her work at a gun shop, learn to shoot, and talk about current gun laws. She also talked to a family that had experience in having to shoot to defend their family. This really opened up her eyes that its not the guns fault; its the people. She was under the impression that if all guns were taken away that bad guys wouldn't kill anymore. I think she ended up agreeing that they would still get them or use a different weapon. Over all imo I thought it was pretty pro gun..

Glad to see something that doesnt just bash guns; and pointed some good things out.


Jan 19, 2007
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Her and the girls representing the Ceasefire group didn't have their facts straight. And he conceded when he shouldn't have... There are steps being taken to keep guns out of the hands of criminals via the NICS system. This is a perfect example that the gun-control crowd will never be happy because there will continue to be gun-crime no matter what. So they will continue to look for ways to curb "gun-violence" which at the same time will continue to limit law-abiding citizens from obtaining guns thus infringing on our rights.

And I got so tired of her saying "why do you need a gun?" In America it's not always about what a person needs. But if it were, a clear case could be made as to why one does need a gun for self-defense. I also found that at the root of the gun-control community's mindset is that they perceive themselves as victims. Not defenders of their lives... They place that ability in the hands of the police. They need to wake up and realize when it comes right down to it, they are responsible for their own protection. Nobody else. They can't do that with the victim mentality.

Man, it's so dang frustrating. But overall, a great show and she did come out of it with a better understanding then before... Yet she still wanted to call everything a "machine gun" even if it wasn't one... Another example that those who look to control guns, know very, very little about them.

Oh yeah, and thanks for posting the link.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
..... I also found that at the root of the gun-control community's mindset is that they perceive themselves as victims. Not defenders of their lives... They place that ability in the hands of the police. They need to wake up and realize when it comes right down to it, they are responsible for their own protection. Nobody else. They can't do that with the victim mentality.

I've always looked at them as dependents. Dependent upon .gov for everything.

And another peeve of mine are those damn Brinks home security commercials. Yep the BG just kicked in your door and is staring you in the face with nothing between you and him, and you're gonna run straight to the phone? Yea, right....:pissed:

Roadking Larry

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 17, 2007
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Secret bunker in an undisclosed location.
I've always looked at them as dependents. Dependent upon .gov for everything.

And another peeve of mine are those damn Brinks home security commercials. Yep the BG just kicked in your door and is staring you in the face with nothing between you and him, and you're gonna run straight to the phone? Yea, right....:pissed:

I much prefer the "Home Security" commercials you can see on Wednsday nights on the Outdoor Channel.

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