Anyone loading a 70-80gn 223 for an AR

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Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
yukon ok
I load for 3 different AR's all have 1:7 twist all shoot the 50 and 55 gr. V-max into small groups.
Even the 55Hornady flat base SP shoots excellent.
All cases are annealed and same head stamp Federals. All cases get flash hole deburred and chamfered with VLD chamfer.
Necks are nylon brushed before loading also. All necks are same ID
CCI 450 primers H4895 at 25-26 gr is decent .
Benchmark powder or N133 is also excellent for our guns.
Varget sucks!
I can find a load that shoots great at 17 degrees and then wait until 55 degree temps and the group opens horribly.
Buddies 1:7 twist 16" barrel AR Palmeto stainless Freedom No flash hiders or other muzzle crap on the end.
Those for us carbon up and open the groups up.
We hunt with our guns and that thing needs accuracy.

26 gr H4895 is too compressed for the AR and 55gr bullet and groups opened up and 25-25.5 did best.
I have shot 40gr bullets from my 1:7 and those did well also all groups were under 2" and most were under 1"

Are you mixing cases?
Are you annealing?
many more questions on case prep but you get the idea I really spend a lot of time prepping my cases and brushing the necks with a spinning nylon brush after annealing and before resizing and after resizing shrinks my groups.

I also set my .223/5.56 neck tension at .003" so .224" diameter bullet gets a neck .221" ID

If I have a case that measures .001" different in neck ID it is set to the side and not used for the hunt accuracy load.
If we are shooting large targets like clay pigeons or milk jugs they will work fine.

That load in the picture above is BM or Bench Mark powder I was just trying it out for the first time and it shot pretty good.
That is 5 rounds at 100 yards and the other holes are 30 cal.

Front bag was used and I was shooting from a folding table and a Nikon 3-9x40 scope.
Not off the top of my car this time :)

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