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Feb 18, 2010
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What I can't compute is why on earth would someone spend that kind of money to get a ~$100K job. Sure makes me think the job must somehow be worth more than what it pays.


Special Hen
Apr 10, 2013
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OK Chitty
No argument, but it also is wise to look at the problem from more viewpoints than just the viewpoint of the people doing the job. If the overwhelming results from Drs/Lawyers are less than optimal, I have an obligation to question the methods the Drs/Lawyers as a whole are using.

I'm also fully aware that Sandy Garrett is not running. The (apparently missed) point was that educators want everything back like it was when she *was* in charge. . .and we've seen the results from that experiment.

There are 2 big issues I see with the current debate that a lot of people are leaving out.

The first problem is everyone is blaming Common Core, that it was failing. Well, it was built around existing systems that have been proven to work. Just because our educators, and student's parents don't understand the system, doesn't mean it was failing. Too many parents and teacher's have the mentality that the system is to blame, and it can't be them or their students. You have to look at the demographic of people that are complaining about a lot of these "issues", and their education level. Sorry, but just because a huge chunk of Oklahoma's are under-educated, and they want to complain that a system doesn't work, doesn't mean it's true. Oklahoma's education system has been well below par for a long time, and when generation after generation of people come out of those schools, it breeds a certain intelligence level, and that becomes a "norm" in the general populace so to speak. A teaching degree is one of the easiest to get, sad, but true. That's a huge problem. Mix that in with parents that take a back seat to their child's education, it exacerbates the issue.

Second, any Superintendent that comes in to try and fix our issues, has to deal with the issue from the first problem I stated. An under educated populace that wants an issue fixed immediately, but they all think they know what is "best for their child". That is painfully and obviously not true though. There's a reason minimum wage jobs thrive in this state. I see people complain about how Common Core taught math, and how the parents didn't even understand it. Well, guess what, just because YOU don't understand something, doesn't mean it doesn't work. Maybe YOU (the "people") are the real issue?! Most people don't understand Physics, Rocket Science, or Engineering, but it happens everyday, and it generally doesn't come out of the state of Oklahoma. The Common Core teaching of math is a VERY effective way of teaching math, and it teaches it in a way that a kid will learn how to use it without having to use a computer or calculator for everyday math issues. You know what is sad, go to a grocery store and ask the kid at the counter to count your money back to you, or ask them to give you your change without having to look at the screen. THEY CAN'T! It's truly sad when a kid can't do simple arithmetic in their head. It's sad how many ADULTS in this state can't read. How many of the people complaining about these "issues" may have the reading level of a 3rd grader?

ANY Superintendent is going to face a huge battle with the people to try and fix the system to everyone's liking. Was Common Core the fix, we'll never know, because a huge group of people that don't understand something complained until it was gone, and it never even had a chance to work. Was Common Core the only way to fix the system, of course not. Where there's a will, there's a way, and hopefully they'll find something soon.

To everyone that wants to ***** and moan about someone TRYING to make a difference and actually having the initiative to make changes, how about you give the system a chance before you shoot it down. Just because YOU (the "people") don't understand it, doesn't mean it won't work, and you can't fix a system as broken as ours' overnight, or even over the course of one or two years. Not one person it to blame for the issue, it is everyone in the state that has failed on this issue. From the State, to Educators, and parents. Everyone needs to take their ego out of the fight, because it's not a fight you are fighting for yourselves, it's for OUR kids.

Now, I personally think if they want the best chance for a new system to succeed, they need to start in the lower levels, and have the children evolve with a new system. Start it with Pre-K kids, and give it until 2nd or 3rd to test, and that is when you are going to see the results. 3rd graders wait until 5th or 6th grade to test. You can't take kids that have only been exposed to a flawed system, and force a complete change on them, and expect to see testing results overnight. After a few years, all of the kids will be exposed to the new system over time, and you can then start a "yearly" testing.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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I see people complain about how Common Core taught math, and how the parents didn't even understand it. Well, guess what, just because YOU don't understand something, doesn't mean it doesn't work. Maybe YOU (the "people") are the real issue?! Most people don't understand Physics, Rocket Science, or Engineering, but it happens everyday, and it generally doesn't come out of the state of Oklahoma. The Common Core teaching of math is a VERY effective way of teaching math, and it teaches it in a way that a kid will learn how to use it without having to use a computer or calculator for everyday math issues. .

Like this guy? What a moron for not understanding CC math!!


Special Hen
Apr 10, 2013
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OK Chitty
Like this guy? What a moron for not understanding CC math!!

I don't know "how" they were wanting them to answer the problem, so I can't call him a "moron" as you say. This is a prime example of what I was saying, parents doesn't understand, so the system is wrong. Just because his building block to do that math problem is different that what they were trying to teach, doesn't mean it was wrong. Just because an article says he has a "degree" doesn't mean a thing though, there's plenty of stupid people out there with degrees.

When you are only exposed to one way of doing things, most people think other ways of doing it are wrong. Well, you are asking a huge number of people to disregard the building blocks they learned, while they watch their kids struggle with something that appears to them to be more complicated than it needs to be, and it's new to them as well. What if in turn, it is actually a very simple answer they were looking for, and you just didn't know that, and your perception is what was wrong to begin with? Once again, parent involvement and taking the ego out of it. That parent's statement was nothing but ego. I'm a BLAH blah BLAH, this is STUPID, You'd get fired for that in the real world.... If they learned the system with their kids, maybe it would be different, and they could actually help, we'll never know though.

Instead of getting pissed, people need to try and understand, and shut up and listen. It's a hard concept these days though, because EVERYONE is ALWAYS right.


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
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LTown to the Lst
"There's a reason minimum wage jobs thrive in this state." ...and Ill add These states

Greed mostly...8/

I agree ,mostly, with peeps not understanding, nobody splained it to them!
It was shoved down our throats .
My Grandchildren's school said .."oh please vote for this"
I ask ..what is it
They said "we dont know ...but its Good".....ummmm NO

And starting at a younger age...6-7th grade is not a good place to start this, too much other stuff ...going on... ;)

And , Really, I dont believe you can teach "critical thinking" , that has to come from the parents or mentors.
Either you have it , or dont ,and have to work on it.

So some parts of CC may be good ...but My deal was ...the teachers Didnt know what it was.

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