Honestly, you have no issue with the group Until Recently Known As Boy Scouts, founded to teach boys and young men essential skills for growing into manhood (and manhood's essential tasks) being co-opted to promote homosexuality at the youngest ages, and androgeny (may have made that word up) as they advance?
The simple fact is that while many boys/girls can do the same or similar things they are not the same - there is an essential and natural difference between the vast majority of men/boys and women/girls. No need to be afraid of that, we should embrace and nurture it and teach our children abut the complementarity of the sexes. One doesn't have to be from the 50's (I'm not) to recognize the very natural differences.
My disclaimer - I have a daughter who followed me into a military career (she's about to pin on major) and who is not short on doing "tough things" but I still wouldn't want her to have grown up having no place that wasn't an enforced school of homogeneity.
The simple fact is that while many boys/girls can do the same or similar things they are not the same - there is an essential and natural difference between the vast majority of men/boys and women/girls. No need to be afraid of that, we should embrace and nurture it and teach our children abut the complementarity of the sexes. One doesn't have to be from the 50's (I'm not) to recognize the very natural differences.
My disclaimer - I have a daughter who followed me into a military career (she's about to pin on major) and who is not short on doing "tough things" but I still wouldn't want her to have grown up having no place that wasn't an enforced school of homogeneity.