I wanted to hear some educated opinions on the topics of concealed handgun printing through clothing and accidental exposure because of things beyond your reasonable control.
How much "printing" violates the detection clause of the SDA? Is it up to a police officer and a judge's opinions or has an attorney general laid down some guidelines? If I carried under the armpit underneath a shirt and by paying close attention you could notice a slight bulge of the butt would that get a person in trouble?
If you accidently allow your gun to show say by your coat blowing open in a parking lot getting out of your vehicle or something similar in a public place and a police officer saw it, is it considered a serious offense that would get you into a lot of trouble?
How much "printing" violates the detection clause of the SDA? Is it up to a police officer and a judge's opinions or has an attorney general laid down some guidelines? If I carried under the armpit underneath a shirt and by paying close attention you could notice a slight bulge of the butt would that get a person in trouble?
If you accidently allow your gun to show say by your coat blowing open in a parking lot getting out of your vehicle or something similar in a public place and a police officer saw it, is it considered a serious offense that would get you into a lot of trouble?