City of Bartlesville to pursue ‘adult entertainment’ ordinance in wake of city’s Pride event

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Special Hen
Nov 5, 2022
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Funny how some folks get their panties twisted over religion. For the record, I believe in God. Like Terry, I spend a lot of time outdoors and I figure there's no way all this came about by accident. Man creates religion to try to explain it, simple as that. It's an unjust world - we have to try to make sense of it.

That said, tranny shows are garbage, and I'd love to see the trash taken out. To me it would be far better to quit protecting the folks that create such events and let the mob do as they wish, rather that instill more power to the state to regulate what parents can and can't do.

It's a rocky backwards uphill road to get there, but look at what we have today:
We decided it should be taxpayers that fund single moms and bastard babies. (how does the church feel about this?)

We decided that we shouldn't discriminate against anyone. (how does the church feel about this?)

Over the last fifty-plus years, unwed motherhood has risen. Abortions have taken the lives of countless little bastards since Roe v Wade. You reckon the lowering of our standards and being too gutless to "judge" might have enabled a bit of this cultural shift?

As CZ said above, it probably isn't single dads taking their kids to events like this. If the church wanted us to retain some sense of decency and identity as a civilized people, perhaps they shouldn't be so quick to fold when some deviant throws up "Shall not judge" in their face. There's a helluva lot more in the Bible than the limpwristed attitude that we all must tolerate the nonsense people adopt in what used to be our culture.

Our "Christian kindness" has helped to bring about our own destruction.
I blame much of it on what could be referred to as the heresy of the nice Christ. Modern churches tend to preach that Jesus was a nice tolerant dude who never judged anyone and spent his time cavorting with prostitutes and tax collectors. Fact is nothing could be further from the truth.


Special Hen
Nov 5, 2022
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Special Hen
Nov 18, 2022
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I am leaving the theological discussion out of this post entirely as we have had 10 pages now and while some of agree others who claim to be of a rational atheistic and agnostic nature disagree and quite emotionally at that.

So here are my thoughts, these pillars of society who dress up and have expectations that they should be allowed parade themselves in public extolling their freedom of sexual choice effectively forcing it on us all to witness want to be treated like the rest of us to turn a phrase. Having said that I can't go talking about my sex life or inclinations in public and being a disturbance . To do so would at a minimum cause a disruption for me at work and would get me into hot water and without a doubt probably get me fired, yet I have witnessed homosexuals do that at work and other places then scream and rant about being oppressed cause muh freedom.

Were anyone here who is of a heterosexual bent to decide to go out and display their fetishes and taboo behavior in public quickly would you be in the hot seat and possibly labeled a sex offender .

One would think if these forms of people truly wanted to be afforded the same rights and considerations they would keep their sexual actives at home behind closed doors like the rest of us do. The simple truth is they don't want equality they want special privilege.

They don't want tolerance they want to force acceptance on everyone
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