Too bad that Christian churches impart an ideology of monogamy, charity, morality, ethics, respect for law and respect towards others. What a horrible ideology. Only if we could get religion out of the way people would follow the true god, government.No, I'm really not.
I actually feel pretty foolish for not seeing things from a logical perspective sooner than I did.
Being in church from an infant on up imparts doctrine into the developing brain and really makes it hard to shake some of those beliefs.
That's why every single cult wants to get the children as early as possible. Their ideas won't stand the logical scrutiny of a reasoned adult, and makes them hard to recruit and control.
I agree that churches in general have an ideal they strive for as to the attendees and the church itself, I do not agree that peaceful religions are a bad thing for people to follow. The leadership of many churches is as bad as the politicians.