From a secular point of view the Christian Religion is a stabilizing force in society. So many attacks on it is destabilizing our society.
Why has no pro Religion politician stood up over this? The goal is to break down society by pitting us against one another, the insert government as the solution.
You need to go look up the meaning of secular because it doesn’t mean what you think it means.
Not all Christian denominations, or those follow Christ’s teachings are intolerant of people whose sexuality or gender identity fall outside of heteronormative standards.
The Founding Fathers clearly understood that religion and church community was an important part of daily life in the context of those times. Separation of Church and State was instrumental in preserving that because early settlers had fled European Christian on Christian religious persecution to settle a land where they could freely practice their faith. And discrimination based upon religion was already beginning to take place in the colonies.
So yeah.. Government has been the solution for almost 250 years in the case of the United States of America. It was paid in blood. They used their minds to create the document that guides us and is written to protect our individual human rights. Rights that aren’t bestowed by a government but rights that are so fundamental to human life that we believe they come from a higher power.