I would think that maybe a new campaign manager might be a good idea for Joe. This little move is bound to cost him a few votes.
Regardless of the actual date that Christ's Birthday occurred on, or the date that Christ rose from the dead those are the dates that those holidays are celebrated on. biden (or more than likely his handlers) went the extra yard to proclaim, announce or reinforce that 3/31/2024 was the "Transgender Day of Visibility" without an acknowledgement of the Easter Holiday, and even inserted "a religious ideology" telling them what they should believe. There are about 210,000,000 Christians (or those who identify as) in the US, a majority do feel that Transgenderism is wrong in the eyes of God. It would appear that several in this group feel that it's okay for biden to do this, and cannot see do to their disbelief in God or Religion that is not a problem and not designed to divide Americans further. They also fail to see how this may be offensive to Christians in general and feel that Christians are in the wrong. I'm offended that a sitting president would make such a statement with total disregard to any segment of the population and I am not religious and primarily an agnostic.
1) Easter Egg Roll is simply an activity that is not the heart of Easter, just like a fruitcake is not given out during Christmas as communion.1) This is excluding the annual Easter Egg roll, right? Which had record attendance i believe.
2) What kind of acknowledgement do you need from our government for a religious holiday?
3) What is religiously offensive about transgenderism specifically? (and no, transgenderism does not immediately equal homosexuality, before anyone wants to make that claim).
1) Easter Egg Roll is simply an activity that is not the heart of Easter, just like a fruitcake is not given out during Christmas as communion.
2) I did not say that the government should acknowledge one religious holiday over another, the way he acknowledged the Transgender Day of Visibility and gave it preference and inserted his own ideology is wrong.
3) I think there are many things you may have missed in the 14 pages leading up to my statement what Christians feel is offensive about Transgenderism. Personally I could care less what people do with their bodies, that is their right unless they are mentally compromised in one way or another, or affects me, my wife or children.
The idea that a sitting president would say something that is directly offensive to a segment of the population and tell religious people what they should believe in there faiths is the issue. The statement was designed to divide American further. That is the topic here, not transgenderism and religion.
Biden hosted the easter event, just as presidents before him have. Just like the tree lighting isn't really an event that also acknowledges the season without specifically endorsing a specific religion. I certainly may be wrong, but does the white house do any events that 'officially' knowledge the 'heart' of any religious holiday?
And Biden put out a person statement about Easter specifically. I believe he also went to church to celebrate it personally.
As others have stated, the easter holiday and the traditional day of visibility happened to coincide this year. Both can be (and were) acknowledged in one way or another. Can our government not knowledge two things at once?
I'm sure i did miss it in the past 14 pages, but again, is there an actual religious objection (like there is for homosexuality, which is different) to transgenderism that makes it incompatible with the resurrection and the forgiveness of sins that is the hallmark of Easter?
But then again, i live in a state that proclaims Robert E Lee day to always be the same day as MLK day, so maybe i'm used to such nonsense being debated constantly.
wait wait wait, we should govern now by who might be offended? That seems like a bold statement. And not all Christians were offended, nor are offended by transgenderism. It might be shocking to know that there are people who are both transgender and christian.So 210,000,000 Christians should be offended versus 1,600,000 Transgenders acknowledged. Yes, they are a minority. If I were a comedian and told jokes that offended 99.66 % of the people how long would I be in the business of telling jokes. I notice you are not arguing why it was a proper and presidential statement.
Well, based on offensiveness of comments everyone says Trump did this nation a disservice and he only offended, guess we should give your guy joe a pass... you never said why it was a good solid statement as to why people should rally around it. I said nothing about governance of the masses should be done by majority. I 100% disagree with you. we are too far apart. Good luck to you.wait wait wait, we should govern now by who might be offended? That seems like a bold statement. And not all Christians were offended, nor are offended by transgenderism. It might be shocking to know that there are people who are both transgender and christian.
If you were a comedian and offended that many people you probably aren't good at your job. Or maybe you're great at it. But then again, go back and listen to some old comedy and it's clear that we've grown far too sensitive. Or simply what some old Mel Brooks movies. Classics, but probably offensive today.
And you're right, i haven't argued that it was proper, nor have i attempted to. But i'm not offended by a date on a calendar being symbolically declared to acknowledge an issue i do not face, even when it coincides with an -ever-shifting date established thousands of years ago that has religious symbolism for me.
Was it proper? I think that reasonable people can acknowledge that multiple things can happen at once. But again, i'm still lost on the actual religious objection.
And in case anyone was wondering, along with the day of visibility, also issued were A Proclamation on National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, a Proclamation on National Donate Life Month, A Proclamation on Cesar Chavez Day, A Proclamation on National Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Month, A Proclamation on Arab American Heritage Month, A Proclamation on National Public Health Week, A Proclamation on National Child Abuse Prevention Month, A Proclamation on Care Workers Recognition Month, A Proclamation on Month of the Military Child, and A Proclamation on Second Chance Month.
Oh, and yesterday was A Proclamation on World Autism Acceptance Day.
Biden's a POS, Tranny folks are unnatural anomalies that are normalized in a lot of today's society. Easter is based on a Pagan tradition, usurped by Christians that forced their will on others.Regardless of the actual date that Christ's Birthday occurred on, or the date that Christ rose from the dead those are the dates that those holidays are celebrated on. biden (or more than likely his handlers) went the extra yard to proclaim, announce or reinforce that 3/31/2024 was the "Transgender Day of Visibility" without an acknowledgement of the Easter Holiday, and even inserted "a religious ideology" telling them what they should believe. There are about 210,000,000 Christians (or those who identify as) in the US, a majority do feel that Transgenderism is wrong in the eyes of God. It would appear that several in this group feel that it's okay for biden to do this, and cannot see do to their disbelief in God or Religion that is not a problem and not designed to divide Americans further. They also fail to see how this may be offensive to Christians in general and feel that Christians are in the wrong. I'm offended that a sitting president would make such a statement with total disregard to any segment of the population and I am not religious and primarily an agnostic.
That’s how school works too…Do they indoctrinate with ideas that can't be proven? Do they dictate dress, hair, language? Do they encourage or attempt to silence questions or alternate views of the tenets? Do they attempt to isolate family members from others that do not share the same religion/belief system?
If you answered "yes", you may be entitled to a new way of thinking!