Crow season opens Oct. 10th

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Master Carper

Special Hen
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
Doesn’t that bring in more crows?
Where I hunt at, more often than not, no. Biggest reason is because they scatter to parts unknown after they see one of their buddies get shot.

Hunting in or around a pecan orchard is totally different. As long as you are hiding well and the crows don't see you, they just keep coming back!

I hunted a couple of big pecan orchards last year, and on one of them, the land owner said it had been over 10 years since anyone had hunted there, and on my first outing, I killed 52 crows that day! When the crows would leave for a little bit, I would gather up the dead birds and prop them up with a small forked stick and use them for decoys. I would get set back up again, start calling and here they came. I would kill more birds, then set those birds up as decoys, and did that all afternoon.

I kept all of those dead crows in the freezer for a week, then when I went to a different pecan orchard, I put all of crows out as decoys, start calling, and here the came, from all different directions. Wing shooting at it's finest!

Master Carper

Special Hen
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
I was told years ago that Mexico didn’t have a season on ducks and the only way they would put one in place was if the US put a season on crows no idea if that is true or not
Never heard that before, but I have killed ducks in Mexico and it was a LOT of fun and a LOT of shooting.

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