Dehumidifier in the closet?

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Special Hen
Oct 24, 2008
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Right now my small collection is in the closet. Until I get my real safe, I got a locker, I could have got something bigger, or with minimal fire rating, but considering the range and size I was looking at, it would have had to go in the bedroom. I figured I would save the money, and mount this in my closet. It's a walk-in, and fits on the shoe rack thats in there. I figured I would rather have this secured to the floor and wall in my closet, out of site, than something slightly larger, heavier, out in my bedroom. Our walk-ins are on either side of a jacuzzi tub in our large master bath. The room itself is 16x14 (if you removed the shower and closet walls), with an 8 foot wall and 12 foot ceilings so its open at the top, and has a 40 in doorway with no door. My entire collection will be there for now, but once I get a real safe, only my carry and HD gun will be in there. Regardless, I want to make sure they are protected. Do ya'll think a golden rod would provide enough protection? Should I mount it in the safe, or in the closet? There is an access panel for the jacuzzi pump in my closet, and an outlet in it, so I can use that to power an electric dehumidifier. The locker I am using is this one.

ETA: I understand this isnt a heavy duty safe, primary concern is keeping my kids from having access to the guns, and relying on the concealability factor of it being in my closet (thinking of putting a lock on the door as well) and not out in the open (increases WAF as well).

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