STOP just STOP trying to explain how someone with two 10 round mags can change them just as fast and be just as deadly. They don't care!! This is 100% designed to be a thorn in our ass and piss us off. Complete absurdity is the only currency they peddle. Mags, black rifles, the border, BLM.... ALL OF IT...!! They hate everything you love and stand for and will not be satisfied until EVERYTHING has been completely destroyed and rebuilt into some kind of dystopic 1984 hell. Stop trying to make sense of it. It doesn't make any sense and it's not supposed to. The answer is NOT to explain why it's stupid. The answer is to be just as zealous about 2A as the left is about voting rights. As long as 2A supporters are on the defensive they can chip away little by little until it's gone. We must take a play out of their own playbook and shove our RIGHT back in their face. How Dare you even discuss weakening 2A needs to be how the new conversation goes. It's blatantly racist and cost prohibitive to require a license to carry or a tax stamp to play. We should boycott states that require these excessive cost prohibitive licensing schemes for the racist $hitholes they truly are.