Do you believe in ghosts?

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Special Hen
May 4, 2009
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Heck Ya' I beleive in ghosts, My wife has a copy of a security video from a dollar general store in Coweta, It shows good footage of a ghost walking around the store and when it gets close to the cash registers the screens light up and register tape starts coming out of the machines like someone is ringing up stuff. You can make out the figure very easily. Yes I beleive!!!!

Can you post the video? That would be pretty interesting!


Special Hen
Oct 10, 2009
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Oklahoma City
I use not to believe in them till I shared a house with my cousin for about 2 months. Strange things would happen and every once in a while we could see what looked like a little girl in the hallway. There was one night my cousin was out of town and I was there by myself during a storm. We had some pretty loud thunder and I was sitting there watching the news when all of a sudden the light comes on in my cousins room. I went to investigate and found nothing. Another time we were both sitting there watching tv, my cousin had one of those wavy dvd racks. Out of no where some of the dvd's come flying out of the stand. Not like one section fell out, it was the top 2 dvd's out of each section. Once we moved out my uncle rented the place to some other people and they said one night the ac vent came out of the ceiling and went flying across the room. So I now believe.


Special Hen
Aug 1, 2008
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I've seen "things" a couple of times in my life. Once in 1988 when I lived in San Diego and once here at our current home in Mustang back in 1996. I'm not sure what they were but the one in San Diego was seen repeatedly over a period of many years (at least 10) by all three of the kids growing up in the house. When I asked their parents about it they just acted uncomfortable and said they didn't want to talk about it.

The one in Mustang was just stuff moving around on it's own and some footsteps in the hallway when nobody else is home.

I don't believe in ghosts, but I also don't think I know everything either.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 11, 2005
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Yes. My wife and I are taking a second trip to the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO next month. Some of the folks from Ghost Hunters, Paranormal States and that Faked or Fiction show are taking groups ghost hunting over the weekend. Even if they don't exist, it sure is entertaining. Different, but entertaining.


Special Hen
Oct 14, 2010
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No such thing. The dead are dead. I do, however, know a couple of people who have seen angels. One of them is my oldest and childhood friend. He's a Vietnam Vet whose life was saved over there by his angel.

DEER 24/7

Dec 28, 2010
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coon hunting as a kid those where the days kids these days do'nt know what there missing had a bluetick named blue and a old black & tan named routy if he open you could bet every penny you had it was a coon or cat never made a lair out me. i miss them,oh back to post never seen one but as a kid there was alot times i was expecting i was going to Would like to see one......heck yes!!

As a kid growing up in the country, and having been an explorer....I can say that I have not sen a ghost.

So, what makes my experiences so "technical"?? As a kid I use to coon hunt by myself and with a few cousins that were my age. I started at or around the age of 9-10 years old going alone(not with my dad or older relatives). Growing up, where I did... North of Chandler and East of Carney, old one room school houses were plentiful. They built them about every three miles so kids could walk to school. I have spent many a time with cousins and by myself in these old abandoned school houses looking for my hounds or with my hounds in the school with me.

There use to be a segragated(black) school house and a cemetary by it that twice, I spent the night in there with my hounds because of the storms and not wanting to walk home for miles in that type of weather. I have cut through a few graveyards as a shortcut to get home quicker while coonhunting. Several times I did this ONLY by the moonlight.

At or around the age of 13-14, I had a dirtbike that I burned up the dirt rodes and pastures with. Friends and I would camp out in old abandoned homesteads. One was a homestead that was confirmed, the lady owner hanged herself in the old house and myself and friends camped out waiting and hoping for a ghost!!

I have found several family cemetaries that people have long forgotten and waited for a ghost. I was even dared as a kid to sleep in a cemetary on a child's grave(1910..1912, I can't remember). I have been to a few family wakes( Irish tradition) and sat by deceased realitives, one time while eating lunch!! I have worked part time in a County Medical Examiners Office while obtaining one of my Masters in Science.

What little "stated" experience I have had with the ghostly realms, I have not seen, heard, nor sensed any ghost(s). I have really wanted to as a youngster and have wondered when confronted with post-mortem type classes in college and when working part-time in that field.

Sadly, I have not. But would have an open mind when confronted with FACTS!!


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