Don’t act this way

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Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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Not the case here but never understood people putting obo in their ads how do you know when the best offer will be and whats the chance of someone offering something better than their first response if they dont know what others has offered to me its just another way of auctioning something off. But that just me and no hard feeling to those that do it, if i dont like the asking price i dont bother and move on to something else.


Here for Frens
Special Hen
Sep 26, 2014
Reaction score
My buddy that died last year had these tendencies, and it was embarrassing to be with him when he did deals. However, you’d be shocked at how many smoking deals he got by acting that way.
We got a table at Tulsa a few times, and he had no problem insulting people with offers on items they were carrying around to sell. I bet 75% of the people ended up selling their stuff to him. :anyone:
I have a close friend that’s similar. Really outgoing and charismatic, funny guy. We’ll go to buy something, and he’ll jokingly low ball the crap out of someone. Well, half joking half serious. Usually he’ll get an ugly look and he’ll actually give them the offer he intended to with a laugh, but sometimes he read the person right and gets some sort of stupid deal off of a joke. I watched him buy a car worth $2k off a guy for $300 cash. He’s hell on own shops and garage sales too. What’s funny is he’s a big time sneaker guy and he’ll walk into the Nike store, pick up 3 or 4 pairs of shoes, and try to negotiate prices with the cashier. It’s hilarious and kinda embarrassing. But I’ve seen him get discounts doing it.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
"Patrick" is definitely a scammer. I'll give you $350 for the rifle and I'll meet you so you don't have to ship it.

That was my reply

Lowballers really po me. I set a fair price and expect to get it. When I buy something, if I feel the price is fair, I pay it.

I have seen listing where the seller stated, "if my prices are off, let me know."
I responded with what others had sold and exposed the triggered Karen saying, "if you don't like my prices, move along, prices are NON-NEGOTIABLE."

I have not and will not ever buy from them.
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Aug 20, 2010
Reaction score
My buddy that died last year had these tendencies, and it was embarrassing to be with him when he did deals. However, you’d be shocked at how many smoking deals he got by acting that way.
We got a table at Tulsa a few times, and he had no problem insulting people with offers on items they were carrying around to sell. I bet 75% of the people ended up selling their stuff to him. :anyone:

Just bullying people to make a steal. No conscious, I guess.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Banned Supporter
Aug 13, 2016
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I think he's a scammer but not the kind that steals and don't deliver - some guy dealing old guns; they'll do that.
Sounds like he'd get it for $335 and put it on Gun Auction or GB and make $500+ from some sucker...and he would not change a thing - he's been watching Pawn Stars. He'd probably church it up by making up a story for the SSN. They always do.

Basically, don’t tell a seller how bad it is and how much it’s going to cost you to bring it up to your standards all the while low-balling him. That’s not going to convince anyone to sell. Especially an antique firearm.
Some people get pleasure out of insulting others. Typically, they don't even want the gun unless you give it to them, the just want to assert their superiority complex. Since it's the internet, uncivilized behavior runs without consequences and just reinforces the attitudes.
I've been getting these. I have some pretty good sh*t listed and I have yet to get a realistic offer. It's always for half price or less, or some obscure ammo trade - favorite is a straight trade for a Glock 34. I've had that happen several times. G34's must suck.

I usually get a long diatribe about how they can get it cheaper and sometimes they will post a website or tell me how they wanna save gas or something. But they don't a give realistic offer. If they did, I'd probably capitulate, and they'd be the new owners but they don't try or come off that lowball and just follow the "patrick model".
That's what I'll call these dudes from now on. "Patrick" lol

Mind you, there are a couple dudes that have offered trades that are worth more than the giblets I have, but I couldn't do anything with their they are not Patricks
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Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
Reaction score
Someone comes to buy my firearm and starts talking down to me is gonna get shut down real quick. I cant see that sorta thing ever working. I had someone a while back try to say they saw better prices for a similar product, etc etc, I told them to go buy it from those people then. They ended up going and getting the extra $500 from the ATM that they were trying to lowball me down to.

Yep. There is one fella here who cost himself a sale when he told me girls didn't know anything about guns and I just needed to have Grumpy get in touch with him. 🤷 Can't fix stupid, I guess ... I didn't want his gun that bad anyway.

The vast majority of the deals I make here I don't even haggle over the price because I know I'm getting a fair deal. So ... If I offer you $75 less than your asking it's because you are asking too much. Trying to humiliate me into buying at your asking price is not really a good strategy. 🤗

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