I've researched the carb swap a lot and decided it's not a good solution for when unable to make the efi work. You can get it figured out! There's only a handful of components that make it run.So this thing has always ran rich. RICH. It has also started and ran just fine…… besides the fact that runs RICH. Until Tuesday night. I started it to back out of the shed it is in. Ran awful. Like it was missing on half or more the cylinders. I figured it was cold. The pickup dies. Now it will cycle. Like it wants to start, but not start. If it starts it runs for a few seconds then bogs down and dies. Like it is flooding. The plugs are fouled. I need to replace those. Is there anything else I need to check while I am at it?
I hate this effin thing! I am also wanting to swap it to a carb to eliminate the EFI and running rich issue. Has anyone ever done that? Whats involved?