Fess up folks! cooking confession time.

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Special Hen
Nov 22, 2009
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Southeast OK
While at deer camp I asked my dad to spray a skillet with Pam for biscuits. Sit down for breakfast and realize the pan had been sprayed with deep woods Off insect repellant. Needless to say his eye sight is not great.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
did you know when you burn dry cayenne pepper it makes toxic smoke? not only could i not see, i couldnt breath either. ran out to the water hose and got myself hosed off enough i could function (barely) covered my face and crawled back in and got the pan and carried it outside. we had to evacuate the entire front yard.

HAHAHA!! We Grow fresh horseradish in the garden. My first experience with preparing it was to peel it, slice it, and put in a blender with vinegar. Took the lid of the smell it when it was puree'd, and totally lost the ability to breathe! Total panic, and ran into the back yard, going down to hands and knees thinking I was gonna die, before the lungs cleared out, and could breathe again.
Still prepare it, but its outside, and a fan blowing behind me.:D


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Dennishoddy, I'm intrigued by the idea of coating steak with sugar and carmelizing the sugar. I can't really afford cooking experiments with steak but it's an interesting thought.

My reason for tasting it, was it didn't smell too bad. Kind of like a maple syrup thing?
The burnt sugar was the deal breaker. Had to brush the teeth three times to get the taste out.
I don't know. Somebody with a sweet tooth might be able to do something, but 350 degrees is way too hot.
They sell a maple flavored sausage in 1lb rolls (Jimmy Dean), but its too sweet for my taste.


Special Hen
Sep 13, 2006
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Altus, OK
alright here is my most recent one.

i was making pumpkin rolls for christmas. the last step before you roll it up, you have to brown the pumpkin bread in the broiler. now i had done this same thing last year, you would have thought that i knew what i was doing, since last year i burnt the first one i made. (i guess this is a double flub up lol)
i go to pop that sucker in for i think it calls for a minute and a half. i checked it about a minute, not quite brown. close it back up. wait a sec, open it up...burnt. fuuuuuuuuuuuuu
throw it away and start over. that wasn't the confession i started out with.

heres the real one.
so on the next one i get everything ready to go and i get to the step where you add flour. i had used all the flour on the previous one so i grabbed another container on the cabinet that *looked* like flour. add it in and off we go. cook it and brown it up just perfect this time. roll it up with the cream and refridgerate it. it seemed kinda weird when i was rolling it, it wasn't acting right. i just thought i didn't do it just right or didn't add enough powdered sugar. next day, wife cuts a piece and makes a gawd awful face. apparently the *flour* i used was actually white cornmeal mix. ROFL

so now she has big letters on the containers on the cabinet that spell what they are. lol its still funny.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Once went to Indiana with a friend deer hunting over Thanksgiving. His sister made a peach cobbler for Thanksgiving dinner, but instead of cinnamon she grabbed the chili powder.

One of the nephews ate it anyway and liked it! :screwy:


Special Hen
Sep 26, 2009
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
When I was 13 I went to stay with my older brother for a few days. I was home during the day while he went to work. I threw a leftover piece of pizza in the microwave and just turned the dial all the way over (it was 23 years ago). I intended to come back in a couple minutes and get it out but totally forgot about it. Anyway, the pizza caught on fire and the house filled with smoke. I spent the next 4 hours trying to air out the house and get rid of the smell before my brother came home. It was days before you couldn't smell it in there again. Fortunately he was cool about it but I sure was embarrassed.


Special Hen
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Okay this is what I did, not the only thing but it's all I am going to tell. :)

I was making a huge pot of chilli. I got to the point of adding my spices and I put a huge handful of chilli in the pot. All seemed well until it started to smell funny. I go and take a good wiff of my chilli and man it stinks. I look around and I had dumped in a huge handfull of cinammon. Was not fit to eat.


Special Hen
Aug 28, 2008
Reaction score
oklahoma city
Okay this is what I did, not the only thing but it's all I am going to tell. :)

I was making a huge pot of chilli. I got to the point of adding my spices and I put a huge handful of chilli in the pot. All seemed well until it started to smell funny. I go and take a good wiff of my chilli and man it stinks. I look around and I had dumped in a huge handfull of cinammon. Was not fit to eat.

I did something close to this once, making enchiladas. I was looking for cumin, making the chili that I top cheese enchiladas with....finally found it, added it, kept cooking. My son starts asking what is for dessert, which I don't get because I am just making enchiladas. I had, of course, seen the c and m and made a giant brain fart, using a lot of cinnamon instead of cumin. Was just awful, tbh.....my dog loved them, though. He is the usual winner if I make a kitchen mistake lol.

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