Fighting the Government

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Special Hen
Nov 19, 2012
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“If they were doing they job, there wouldn’t be drugs on my property, but now they want to reward themselves at my expense for their failure?

Imagine owning your home outright after finally paying off the bank. You’re nearing retirement, and you’re making plans to travel and visit the grandkids. Then one day, you get a letter from the government with an unexpected declaration: We now own your house.

Russ Caswell, a 72-year-old business owner from Massachusetts, got one of those letters. Except the government seized his entire business — a motel worth nearly $2 million — without so much as a warning.

The business owner said the government tried to take his property purely for profit, and that they targeted him because he had his building completely paid off. (Image via Facebook)
“When this first started, I got this notice in the mail and I thought it was some sort of mistake or something, with no warning, no nothing … basically, after you got through all the legal mumbo jumbo, it said, ‘We’re taking your property,’ and I was dumbfounded,” Caswell told TheBlaze.

The Drug Enforcement Administration seized the budget motel under civil property forfeiture regulations because the agency claimed illegal activity was taking place at the establishment. The Motel Caswell then became the centerpiece of a bizarre federal court case: The United States of America v. 434 Main Street, Tewksbury, Massachusetts.

Caswell said he was hoping during the trial he’d at least find out why this was happening; he still had no idea why the government was coming after his livelihood. He hadn’t been charged with a crime.

“My lawyer deposed eight of the local police and I figured I’d find out what they say I should have done or didn’t do, but it turns out after the depositions none of them said a single thing against me, it’s like they were on my side — I don’t think they were or weren’t — but they had nothing to say against me,” he said.

But when Caswell’s lawyer asked Vincent Kelley, a Drug Enforcement Administration agent, to explain how he picked certain properties to seize, that’s when the motel owner said he knew ”what the case was really about.”

The DEA agent revealed that their process included seeking out places that were linked to drug arrests, but they would only try to seize properties that had at least $50,000 in equity.

“So then it was like a light went off,” Caswell said. “Now I get what this is about, it’s not about drugs at all — it’s about stealing people’s property.”

When the case went to trial, Caswell said, the police testified that the motel owner and his wife had fully cooperated with officers each time a call was made to their precinct or when an arrest was made. Caswell said the judge asked some pointed questions of the law enforcement agents: “She asked, ‘What do you expect Mr. Caswell to do that he isn’t already doing?”

“I’ve never been charged with any crime in my whole life. As I learned firsthand, though … the government has the power to seize property if it’s linked to a crime — even if the owners are completely innocent,” Caswell wrote in an op-ed earlier this year. “Even worse, I had to prove my innocence in court. For civil forfeiture, innocent owners like me are actually treated worse than criminals.”

The Institute for Justice, a nonprofit public-interest law firm, learned of Caswell’s case and decided to help; by the time they took the case pro bono, the Caswells had already spent nearly $100,000 in legal bills trying to keep their motel.

“Seeking to circumvent state law and cash in on the profits, the Tewksbury Police Department teamed up with the United States Department of Justice to take and sell the Caswells’ property because a tiny fraction of people staying there during the past 14 years were arrested for drug crimes,” the Institute for Justice states on its site. “Keep in mind, the Caswells themselves have worked closely with law enforcement officials to prevent and report crime on their property. And during those 14 years, the government pointed to a mere 15 arrests—out of more than 200,000 rooms rented during that time by the Caswells.”

In January, a federal judge ruled against the government and stopped the forfeiture. But taxpayers still lost out: the government then had to pay back the nearly $1,000,000 in legal fees racked up during the trial.

“I don’t think they know what to do when people fight back,” Caswell said. “It’s an affordability thing, you just can’t afford to fight the federal government and so people give in to them because in some cases it costs you more to fight it then you would actually get out of it, and that’s how [the government] wins these things.”

TheBlaze TV’s For the Record revealed other stories similar to Caswell’s in its Wednesday episode, “Seized.” Some of those people lost tens of thousands dollars in the process.

“If they were doing they job, there wouldn’t be drugs on my property, but now they want to reward themselves at my expense for their failure? It’s bizarre, this isn’t something you’d expect in America, you’d expect it in Russia, or Venezuela or even in Germany years ago,” Caswell said. “It’s just baffles me that this law is still even in existence, it just allows the cops and the federal government to steal people’s property — if they would have been able to seize my property the Tewksbury Police would have taken in about $1 Million … that goes straight into their department.”

While Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and a handful of other legislators are fighting to change the laws, the risks still run high for Americans who could be targeted by a federal-local law enforcement system where both sides reap the monetary rewards when a civilian’s property is seized.

Caswell told TheBlaze he recently sold his motel because, even before the nightmare of a legal process came to his doorstep, he was ready to retire and take care of his ailing wife.

“The place just sold for $2 million … that’s what they were after, they were after the money,” Caswell told TheBlaze. ”To me, it’s just sickening, here are the people who are supposed to be protecting us, and they’re stealing from us.”


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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The "War on Drugs", and the theft of private property by the government should be enough to make Americans "reset" the current assembly of sociopaths.
The laws have allowed agencies from small town PDs to the Feds stealing citizens' property, often without a charge being filed. (not that that would legitimize it)


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
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"the people who are supposed to be protecting us, and they’re stealing from us.”

Yup, it's about the money. All the way to the courts and local PDs.
This kind of crap is a bigger threat to Americans than most people know or would ever admit.


Special Hen
Sep 16, 2012
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I'd be interested in hearing the other side if the story....for Feds to seize and forfeit "real property" is a convoluted and complex legal process. The burden in civil forfeitures used to fall on the citizen to prove legitimacy. Now, the burden has shifted significantly based on changes to CAFRA regulations. And I think that is a good thing, for the most part. Taking a vehicle is pretty easy....usually just seized based on the reasoning it was used in the overt commission of a crime. Houses and businesses are much trickier. Could be a different side to this story, possibly, that is yet unable to be told.


Special Hen
Nov 19, 2012
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I would imagine that the city is just happy that the rest of the story hasn't been told. 10 to 1 that if one were to dig, there'd be a lot more dirt on the police & all than on this citizen whom they were attempting to fleece like a spring lamb.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
"here are the people who are supposed to be protecting us, and they’re stealing from us.”
This pretty much sums up the whole game, doesn't it?

This is why it is the job of people like us to spread the message that YOU are the only one who is responsible for protecting yourself. The more power you give to the State to "protect" you, the more they become the thing you most need protection from.

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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The "War on Drugs", and the theft of private property by the government should be enough to make Americans "reset" the current assembly of sociopaths.
The laws have allowed agencies from small town PDs to the Feds stealing citizens' property, often without a charge being filed. (not that that would legitimize it)

"the people who are supposed to be protecting us, and they’re stealing from us.”

Yup, it's about the money. All the way to the courts and local PDs.
This kind of crap is a bigger threat to Americans than most people know or would ever admit.

This pretty much sums up the whole game, doesn't it?

This is why it is the job of people like us to spread the message that YOU are the only one who is responsible for protecting yourself. The more power you give to the State to "protect" you, the more they become the thing you most need protection from.

UMB is down with these guys.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Doing what these goons tried to do would require a complete absence of conscience. The $1M in legal fees should come entirely out of the budget for the office that processed this travesty of justice.

Congress is failing in their responsibility to the public by allowing this to continue. :(

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