first to predict it: romney is gonna make an excellent Prez

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Special Hen
Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
Mittens is all about big business and its these corporations that are at the root of the fleecing of America. They are taking all the money and wont stop untill they have it all and the people are left with nothing. They are working on the private sector now and state and federal workers will be next. The first thing to go will be your gov. paid health care.
Mark my words.

not mocking you, i think its a common trend recently...but i think this sound bite from team america makes me laugh at least....[video][/video]

now, i have heard it said that corp. are immune to alot of stuff, and they basically have no accountability, ala the housing crisis, where folks bought too big of a house, and then just walked away from em and the economy tanked. so basically, we need to employ folks, but we dont want to let the corporations rob us blind and then leave us like a redheaded stepchild...

i just watched that 2016 movie, it was good stuff, and while its surely politically motivated etc, i think its an excellent take on obamas upbringing etc... i feel everyting done in this administration fits into his little box rather nice. and that might be its one weakness, its too simplistic and tidy, and real ilife is not that way....

im not so sure whats so signature worhty of my statement ezbake, and yes, all politicians are double minded scum suckers, but i think the Red flavored one is gonna be best for U.S.
think if bush had any of these scandals going, dead ambassadors, fast and furious, michelle obama not being proud, rev wright and his crazy new black liberation theology, killing americans with drones, not too mention that i cant think of any substantial number of americans that have benefitted from his politics. at least this go around.

and as far as the rich-poor thing, just what is yalls definition of the american dream? i want to come to america, get successful and then have it stolen all away to pay for immigrants from the dominacan republic etc who dont really add anyting to the betterment of the american experience?

there is a book thats open source now thats called "the law" by fredric bastiat or something, and he says a public no longer respects its govt when it "legally plunders" folks. and htats been the democrat party line for the last 2 years at least. blah blah blah those awful rich folks. now i am not rich, but i think they are missing the point of being american, and the american dream... i took a "what is your political affiliation" in college btw, and it said that i was a yellow dog democrat...buuuuuuuut, i just cant get behind folks that are typically anti gun, and then they play the envy and race card at every opportunity, just not my cup o tea....

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
not mocking you, i think its a common trend recently...but i think this sound bite from team america makes me laugh at least....[video][/video]

now, i have heard it said that corp. are immune to alot of stuff, and they basically have no accountability, ala the housing crisis, where folks bought too big of a house, and then just walked away from em and the economy tanked. so basically, we need to employ folks, but we dont want to let the corporations rob us blind and then leave us like a redheaded stepchild...

i just watched that 2016 movie, it was good stuff, and while its surely politically motivated etc, i think its an excellent take on obamas upbringing etc... i feel everyting done in this administration fits into his little box rather nice. and that might be its one weakness, its too simplistic and tidy, and real ilife is not that way....

im not so sure whats so signature worhty of my statement ezbake, and yes, all politicians are double minded scum suckers, but i think the Red flavored one is gonna be best for U.S.
think if bush had any of these scandals going, dead ambassadors, fast and furious, michelle obama not being proud, rev wright and his crazy new black liberation theology, killing americans with drones, not too mention that i cant think of any substantial number of americans that have benefitted from his politics. at least this go around.

and as far as the rich-poor thing, just what is yalls definition of the american dream? i want to come to america, get successful and then have it stolen all away to pay for immigrants from the dominacan republic etc who dont really add anyting to the betterment of the american experience?

there is a book thats open source now thats called "the law" by fredric bastiat or something, and he says a public no longer respects its govt when it "legally plunders" folks. and htats been the democrat party line for the last 2 years at least. blah blah blah those awful rich folks. now i am not rich, but i think they are missing the point of being american, and the american dream... i took a "what is your political affiliation" in college btw, and it said that i was a yellow dog democrat...buuuuuuuut, i just cant get behind folks that are typically anti gun, and then they play the envy and race card at every opportunity, just not my cup o tea....


does not equal this:

first to predict it: romney is gonna make an excellent Prez

Man, the pro-Romney rhetoric is getting old - he's great.. er... well, ok he sucks (but at least he's not as bad as...).

Why can't we get someone who doesn't suck? I'm not trying to convince you to vote for Obama, but if you're honestly completely happy with Romney (over any other possible Republican that could have run), there is something wrong with you.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score

does not equal this:

Man, the pro-Romney rhetoric is getting old - he's great.. er... well, ok he sucks (but at least he's not as bad as...).

Why can't we get someone who doesn't suck? I'm not trying to convince you to vote for Obama, but if you're honestly completely happy with Romney (over any other possible Republican that could have run), there is something wrong with you.

^ He speaks the truth!!

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