I’ve been through this in past years and still planted getting only mediocre results, so that’s one reason I decided not to plant this year. I got rained out while mowing in August, so when I mowed last week, the grass fodder was THICK. Having been through this before, I decided to abandon the project this year.Hey Dennis I have one plot about 5 acres that was thick like yours. Seeds kept plugging up the radiator and took forever just to cut. Cut yesterday and disc'd today with an 8 ft. offset. The ground is worked but covered in thick grass. I don't have a rake and definitey not doing by hand. Do you or anyone else here think that if I spread seed and try to drag (which will probably be a big clump of grass) that the seed will take off?
Not sure how easily you will be able to get that to burn. Just from the 1 pic, it looks like you will be having to light it several times as it will burn out several times.
If you have a way to add some weight to the disk and run over it a couple more times, it will probably clean up better. If one pass cleans it up better, broadcast your seed (cereal grain size, wheat, oats, rye or winter peas) and then lightly disk it about 2 inches. I suggest the 3rd pass with disk to cover seed if looks like the grass residue is going to be an issue for dragging over seed.
I also think the disking over seed the size of wheat, oats, rye or peas help to cover it a little deeper which should help it withstand lack of rain it its early days of growth.
In future years, if you can spray gly (generic Round Up) 2 or 3 weeks before disking, you will see the vegetation work in easier. It will also readily burn if you choose to do that.