GA gun range robbed. Three people murdered.

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Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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That area of the country (aka, "Gatlanta") has been force fed "multicultural diversity" by force by the occupying powers. It sure sounds like a south of the border tactic to obtain guns for their gangs.

This post re this topic (stupidity of open borders people):

[begin quote]
We are overwhelmed with illegals here in New York City. This is where they come. I know most people on this forum hate NYC, but what happened here will happen elsewhere too.

Anyone who lives anywhere for 30 days becomes a legal resident of the city and is entitled to all our federal benefits. Or if you give the leaseholder any amount of money, even if you stay for less than 30 days, you are entitled to the same benefits.

This is all by design, by the party that now owns our state and city. There is even a movement to create a “more conservative” Democrat party supposedly to counter the far-left radical branch of the party, but that could result in the Board of Elections, which by state constitution must consist of the two largest parties, becoming 100% Democrat.

Some people estimate that there are 3 or 4 million illegals living in the city, in addition to the 8 million that are counted.

They are destroying this country piece by piece. The large city near you may be next.
[end quote]

We need to inform the politicians (aka RINO Stitt), not here. Do what Texas is doing, viz. busing their crimigrants to DC.

This is the day the United States of America ceases to exist. It's like a guy who's already dead, he just doesn't know it.

So where did the moat and sharks with laser beams go?


Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.
The gun store is Lock Stock & Barrel and is just south of Atlanta. The owner, his wife and grandson were murdered.

Some 40 weapons and a video camera were taken. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is investigating. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives was also called in due to the amount of weapons taken.

The shooting range is in rural Coweta County.

Anything/anyplace anywhere near Atlanta is a lost cause. Prayers up for the family members of the deceased.
ONE of the to be expected side effects of living in an affluent society is, producing more SPOILED BRATS! We are so affluent we even produce spoiled brats in our poorest a segemnet of our population! The definition of a spoiled brat is; Someone that has been handed stuff on DEMAND, without the benefit of having to do anything for it! Add that to being told every day of their lives that they are poor, mistreated, picked on, taken advantage of, 24/7/365, by teachers, TV, politicians, parents, and everyone else, and guess what you get! A SPOILED BRAT IN AN ADULT BODY, THAT ACTUALLY BELIEVE EVERYONE OWES THEM EVERYTHING, AND THAT CARES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR ANYONE, NOT EVEN THEM SELVES! this is without doubt the very worst type of child abuse, DEPRIVING ANY KID, RICH, OR POOR, THE RIGHT TO GROW UP AND HAVE, CHARTER, SELF RESPECT, AND HONOR! AND WE ALL KNOW THAT IS WHAT IS HAPPENING, RIGHT? We have all seen this many times, the worst example I know of is, my great uncle. This uncle was a poor guy back in the 1940's, and had four sons. The commercial chicken business was just developing in NW Arkansas. This great uncle and his oldest son, saw a need, and filled it. they started small, hauling live chickens to processing plants around the country. This took off, and before long these guys were the owners of a large trucking company. and wealthy men. This great uncle that had never had anything before, wanted his kids to have what he never had, and would just hand thoes kids all the money that wanted., and brag that, he had some good boys, that would do anything for a $100.00 bill, back when men were supporting a family on $50.00 a week! Looking back, these four sons went from one of the best, most honorable men I ever knew, to a no good bumb that stayed drunk, form 12 years old on and would come in as a grown man and beat his 80 year old parents, to force them to give him money! the two boys in the middle fell in between these two, the younger they were when the money started, the worse they turned out! The oldest son is a self made multi millionare, with a 6th grade education, that owns farms, and has three kids that are doing great, the two sons are wealthy in their own right, and engeneers, the daughter and her husband own and operate several farms, and the trucking company, the youngest son is dead, at 43 years old, an looked 80, and spent most of his life in jail, or prison!, He usually made TRUSTEE the second day, in his many prison stays, his daddy would call the goveners office, and take care of his babby boy! SAD STORY?

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