I liked George W. Bush "The Man". I think he was a moral man but not a Terribly intelligent man. Dick Cheney on the other hand, he was a very intelligent man, but a man without the behavioral confines of morality. It is my "Opinion", supported by many editorials and interviews from people in the administration, that George was the curtain and Dick was the man behind the curtain.
After seeing the interview Dick sat down for recently, I have no doubt he would be willing to imprison or even kill a million of "Ours" to enrich one of "His" if he thought he could get away with it (he would meticulously calculate the odds before taking action). That is of course just my opinion based on my interpretation of what I saw during the administration combined with his recent interview.
All of these intrusions of privacy and the whittling away of our freedoms did not start under Obama. They just continue to operate under his administration. He is after all, just another surrogate of "The Party." The infrastructure for all these intrusions were solidly in place, even before the Bush administration. However, the Bush administration, led by Dick, saw to it that the Patriot Act (euphemism for Tyranny Act) was put in place immediately after the 2001 terrorist attacks while emotions were high (same tactic employed after every major shooting). I can only imagine the evil little smirk on his face when they came up with the euphemism "Patriot Act" to describe the biggest single "Act of Tyranny" in American History. Jaws must have dropped all around the room as "Party Leaders" realized the brilliance of the euphemism (George probably wasn't even informed of the meeting, much less "Allowed" in the room"). Americans all around the country would view supporting a bill, outlining the path to Tyranny, as their Patriotic duty; sheer genius. The icing on the cake was the color coded terrorism (generating) scheme. I'm sure someone was handsomely rewarded for that idea. If Terror got below the necessary threshold, just have the media yell "ORANGE!!"
But still, the faithful followers of the right wing of "The Party" continue to blame "Hussein" Obama (see above post) while the faithful followers of the Left wing point to the previous Administration.
The reality, the two wings (of "The Party") just flap and distract while the Bird uses its Beak and talons to rip and tear the Constitution to shreds, completely unnoticed by "We the People" (or should I say, We the Sheople).
WessonOil, you probably think I am being hard on you. Well, I am, but it is nothing personal. You just so happen to be "The One" sticking loudly and solidly to the kind of "Status Quo" thinking I sincerely believe is leading our great country to its premature demise. To be clear, it is not just followers of the right wing or the left wing who are leading us down this path, it is all of "US" who support "The Party" by not actively working to "Break" both its wings, forcing it to release its destructive self interested grip on our great country - by using with our words, our time, our $ and our votes to effect MEANINGFUL change. Let's use our first Amendment protections to rid ourselves of this parasitic cancer while we still can, God forbid the time ever comes our only hope is what little will be left of our Second.
A chill wind is blowing in this nation.......
EDIT: I just read the transcript of that Tim Robbins speech from 2003. It is weird reading it looking back a decade ago because it is perhaps even more relevant now than it was in 2003. It's worth a 5 min read.
A chill wind is blowing in this nation. A message is being sent through the White House and its allies in talk radio and Clear Channel and Cooperstown. If you oppose this administration, there can and will be ramifications.
Wonder if Mr. Robbins still feels the same way in 2013 when a progressive administration is at the helm?
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