Glad I'm moving...

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ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
So my little town has pretty much been safe for the most part - we've had issues with bored teenage kids roaming around and doing stupid kid stuff, but no major vandalism or theft.

Then two nights ago, we heard the alarm-chime for the detached garage door at around 3AM (well the wife did - I was sound asleep and frankly ashamed of my whole response time). Now at the time, i was under the impression that the local PD closed down after 11pm and calls were routed to the county after that - so I figured on no response time or a very delayed one (no offense to the county, but they're suffering from the same budget cuts so they probably had one or two guys and there was a good chance they could have been all the way across the country). I found out the next morning that they have since changed that and are patrolling all night.

So I stumbled out of bed, threw on some shorts and grabbed the M&P (just in case) and went to go investigate. My wife told me that she saw a kid walking quickly down the alley way toward the south, so I figured I was just going to go find the evidence of theft/vandalism or whatever.

Garage door was open but I couldn't find anything was immediately missing (and I also realized how messy my garage is and how difficult that makes inventory post-theft). I stayed up the rest of the night - not really hoping to catch someone, but out of just worry that they would come back.

I also found that one of my small gas-cans was in the alley behind the garage along with someone else's gas-can - so that was at least part of the target.

I live across the street from the local PD, so I went over and visited with the on-duty officer for a bit the next morning and gave him the other gas can. I didn't bother writing a report but told him the time, gave a description of the fleeing kid, and direction he was headed and asked if he would sort of keep an eye on the area at night.

Fast forward two more nights and we awake to 3 of my daughter's (brand new) tires slashed. I just got through filling out the police report. This sucks - we pulled the kids out of school over a year and a half ago, so we don't even really have much contact with anyone around here anymore and we're moving up toward Bixby in like 3 months.

We've always been pretty nice to everyone around here (including all manner of kids that come over to play with ours, or just happen to be roaming around and wander up randomly to play). We don't have anything super nice and the house was built in the 1930s and is far from extravagant (that was one of the reasons we chose to build/move rather than renovate). Just sucks.

Serious questions:

We got the tires (literally 2 weeks ago) from Wal-Mart and paid for road-hazard. Is this the type of thing that is normally covered (I'm guessing I'm screwed there - plus I've heard I can turn it into my Home-Owners insurance, but with the way policies are in OK right now I don't know that I want to do that and the deductible was probably around the cost of 3 new tires)?

I've always heard that you can't patch a side-wall - is that true as well?
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 20, 2011
Reaction score
South West, OK
I think the tire damage is unrepairable, as you have heard, because any visible sidewall damage means the strength of the tire is compromised enough that an eventual blow-out is far more likely.

I think that your auto insurance (comprehensive/vandalism)would cover the tires not the homeowner insurance unless the tires were not mounted and were just sitting around. This assumes that the tires were mounted not just sitting in the garage.

And file a police report on the vandalism.

BTW - the insurance advice came from my wife who is a former USAA insurance agent.


Special Hen
Jul 3, 2010
Reaction score
grady/noble county
I worked in walmart tire shop in college. Pretty sure that's covered. If not take tires in one at a time ...not as obvious as taking in 3 or 4 with same type puncture (seen this work when managers wouldn't approve it, folls would slip them in under the radar one at a time). But its no different than a sidewall.puncture you get from running something over or smacking a curb.

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
Well, I'll be honest - I don't want to screw Walmart over or do anything "against the rules", but at the same time I don't want to get screwed over because of a misconstrued policy by a penny-pinching manager either.

I can't find anything in the paperwork that I signed or their online policy that says they wouldn't cover this - so I'm trying to get in contact with a Walmart that actually knows.


Special Hen
Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
Vandalism is covered through car insurance under your Comprehensive coverage. You would have to file a claim and pay your deductible, but it shouldn't hurt your car insurance rates or policy. Comprehensive claims are not viewed as a bad claim like Collision claims are. I can't guarantee this, but that is pretty commonly how insurance should handle the situation. I was a manager for Allstate and owned an agency at one time. Those are pretty standard policy rules.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Coweta, OK
Your troubles suck. And you've been nice to the local folks so that means they suck. I have no use for mean people. As for grabbing your M & P. You have not paid attention to our VP of this United States young man. When you heard the noise out at your garage you were supposed to step out on your porch and fire two rounds out of your shot gun! Hope that cheered you up a little.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 21, 2009
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Sadly the road hazard warranty does not cover vandalism. from the road hazard warranty information on the bcak of the service order you should have recieved: Note: Mis-alignments/mechanical wear,cuts as a result of vehicle accident, customer abuse or vandalism are not covered. That said if you go to a walmart and talk with a salaried member of management they may just go ahead and warranty out the tires for you.

Sucks that someone thought it funny to slash tires. hope if they try it again that the person is caught in the act and punished.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
Road hazard warranty is INSURANCE that you purchased. Taking them in one at a time or to 3 different wally-worlds may get you covered.
Full coverage on car insurance WILL cover the loss - the deductible + you have a claim on your policy. Same would be said for homeowners.

As for the tires specifically, sidewall damage is NOT repairable. When we have a tire go through inspection and it doesn't pass, the inspector slices the sidewall and sent to scrap.

JMO, sounds like the tires is retaliation for the alarm. Thieves suck, too bad you couldn't have caught and had him prosecuted 2 days ago.
Be on the lookout, be safe and good luck.

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
Yeah, filing it on my auto insurance is a no-go since I have a $500 deductible and these are cheapie Goodyears from Wal-Mart - replacing 3 of them will only be about $300.

Oh well, it is what it is I guess.

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