GOA Alert Contact Coburn

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Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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GOA ALERT - Contact Coburn Immediately
Associated Press says that Oklahoma’s Coburn “could add formidable political momentum to one of the key elements of … Obama’s gun control plan.”

The ongoing gun control battle on Capitol Hill will result in one of two outcomes.

FIRST OUTCOME: Obama will sign legislation setting the groundwork for a national gun registry. They will brag that they “broke the back of the gun lobby.” Gun control groups will prosper and form a significant part of the Democrats’ 2016 presidential coalition –- emboldened into calling for actual confiscation. “Gun control” will be taken off the table in “red states” in 2014, and Republicans will continue to flounder in the minority.

SECOND OUTCOME: We will succeed in stopping gun control. Obama’s aura of invincibility will vanish, jeopardizing the rest of his socialist agenda. Up to thirteen “red state” Democratic Senate seats will be taken over by Republicans, transferring control of the Senate away from Majority Leader Harry Reid. Handgun control groups will sink into depressive obscurity and gun owners will have another decade of peace.

Why, given the clear advantages of “winning,” does Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn continue to sit at the table with anti-gun crazy Charles Schumer?

Schumer is, if nothing else, a ruthless partisan and gun grabber, who sees Coburn’s weakness as a vehicle for destroying Republicans and sending Democrats into a permanent majority.

Sure, Democrats will give a Coburn capitulation the “John Roberts treatment,” lionizing his betrayal of his supporters and friends.

But, is permanent Democratic control of the Senate worth a “doggie treat” from the New York Times?

ACTION: Click here to contact Senator Tom Coburn. You may Copy and Paste (this or write your own letter). Tell him to pull away from the table with anti-gun crazy Chuck Schumer.

My latest message to our Senator:

Your continued support of expanded background checks for firearms purchases is misguided. Please reverse your course.

The intent of the founders was that citizens have the right to be armed as a doomsday defense against government tyranny.You are setting the stage for universal registration which will facilitate confiscation.

I urge you to trust the average citizen. We do not need to be protected by government but from government. Listen to the voices of Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton and Jay and shun the big government mindset of those around you.


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Coburn like personal letters mailed via snail mail.
Please consider mailing him a letter as well as the standard email and phone call to his office.

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