Good LGS in Tulsa

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Feb 29, 2008
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If you need an indoor range look into Red Castle. Best outdoor range in the area as well
It is a nice range, though somewhat limited in what you can shoot there. Been a member for 22 years now and have only been to the indoor range to shoot once. Something unnatural about shooting a gun in the house for me. If you want to get an outdoor membership about the only way to do that is to get a indoor membership, which will put you on the waiting list. Red Castle is probably the best deal you're going to find on a range membership in this area.

Don’t overlook our sponsor Snake Creek in Beggs.
I've really thought about that one, since I'm just a few miles up the highway from them. Might have to visit there sometime to see what's up. I don't have a problem with the range fee, might not be good with the 2 hour thing.

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