Great article (President Trump accurately reflects the sentiments of much of America)

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Gill-Gun Guru
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Aug 1, 2014
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OKC / Bristow
I'm still trying to figure out how it's racist. Just because I talk bad about someone else doesn't mean I hate all other people, or that I hate that person even. Taking people (and countries) on their own individual merits is impossible these days without people, that have no knowledge of the issues or circumstances, crying foul. This is what we get for handing everyone a participation award for all these years...
Last edited:
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Trump is exactly correct in his assessment of these poverty stricken nations. We already have enough poor among us and don't need more on our platter. Bring in the uneducated, those that refuse to assimilate, speak only their language, no marketable skills, gang members and what do we get? More crime, more poverty with associated slums, more on welfare and drugs-all of which we as taxpayers fund-thanks to politicians who bring them in for votes and our country is being quickly destroyed.
But this is what the left calls good people. It finally makes me proud to have a president that isn’t a PC wuss. And also one that is doing what they said they would do.
Oct 27, 2012
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And Trump's argument isn't, "It's just not who we are or it isn't the American way." Someone used those comments recently and repeatedly...last administration. Let enough of these people into your home/nation and pretty soon you are pushed out the front door-hungry-it's not your country anymore.
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
My family immigrated from a “********’ country back in the day.

Nobody said every person from a ******** country is bad. There are certainly some people that have made great contributions to this country that came from them. Its allowing unfettered immigration from those countries with people intent on doing nothing but living on social services that is the problem.
A merit based immigration system that allowed educated people with known work records would be preferable in my opinion.
Edit: My family came from a ******** country as well back in the day.
The rag tag rebels sent them back to England back on the 1700's.


Special Hen
Apr 7, 2017
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Oklahoma city
Yeah, sh$tholes. Can't imagine allowing folks from those places to come here. It's better to just send our blood and treasure to die in them I guess. We cheer that sh$t right? Remember when Ireland was considered a sh$thole and the people fleeing it were treated worse than slaves? We never should've let those dirty Irish in I guess.

What's comical in this whole "scandal" is both sides reaction to what is still an unconfirmed comment.

The left says he said it, lambaste him for it and call for his lynching, all with little proof beyond one yapping politician's claim that he said it. The right alternates between saying "can't prove it" and "Heck yeah, 'Murica".

What a steaming pile of sh$t. Right here in America. Polarization, ignorance, and media manipulation.
Well since youre a good progressive you should invite some of these poor critters into your home..,.give them each a gun since they are fine upstanding people. Hell you can even share your paycheck and food with them. Let us know how that works for you.
Jan 12, 2007
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I fall into the category of:

1. I don't know if he said it or not, because I haven't heard a recording and I don't trust anyone yapping to the media.

2. If he said it, so what? I've called some of those countries those words in the past and it accurately reflects the conditions on the ground. Of course I called Toulon France a sh!thole when I was there, because when I was there it was and the people were rude and arrogant. I've been to some other countries I'd never want to go back to and some I'd love to see again, that's just how I view things.

3. Saying a place is a sh!thole, does not mean you're a racist. All the race baiters are miserable a-holes who hate themselves and transfer their hatred upon others. Some of them are the worst offenders. I just flat out don't give a damn if Corey Booker or Maxine Waters or Don lemon thinks calling a place a sh!thole is racist. They're miserable, awful, sorry excuses for human beings and I couldn't disagree with their world view any more than I already do.


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