Gunman opens fire at school board meeting

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Special Hen
Oct 31, 2010
Reaction score
Las Vegas
If I'm behind the shooter and he has a gun drawn away from me, I still consider my life at risk. He can turn around in less than a second and point the gun at me. I would not be able to predict whether he would do so, nor would I be able to react quickly enough to avoid the situation had he decided to turn around. Definitely justified in my eyes.

Yes sir, I agree with you. However, if you had shot and killed the gunman and then was sued by his family and tried by a jury. I'd hate to say it, but there are enough people who would see it differently.

So in this incident, I guess it turned out as best as it could. :screwy:


Special Hen
Sep 17, 2010
Reaction score
Valliant, OK
The lady was interviewed on one of the networks. According to her the gunman told all the women to leave. She said that after he knoced her down and was pointing the gun at her he called her a "Stupid *****". She told the newscaster, "At that point in time I'm thinking, he's right"

I love that answer.

I'm currently president of the Valliant school board, and believe me, the question of concealed carry goes through my mind at every meeting. Right now the school is in serious financial problems and we are considering RIF, so this thought is even stronger. But until the law changes, I will not have a gun at the school. That could conceivably cost me my life, but that's just the way I am.


Special Hen
Mar 15, 2010
Reaction score
Broken Arrow
If I'm behind the shooter and he has a gun drawn away from me, I still consider my life at risk. He can turn around in less than a second and point the gun at me. I would not be able to predict whether he would do so, nor would I be able to react quickly enough to avoid the situation had he decided to turn around. Definitely justified in my eyes.

I have to agree with this and add, even though he said you can leave...what makes me think that he won't shoot as I'm heading towards the door, now with my back to him? I'm thinking my life is at risk also.


Special Hen
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
Get off my lawn.
I think getting the shooting ruled justified by the DA is the key. If that happens, civil court becomes much simpler. If not, you've got more things to worry about than civil court at the moment.


Special Hen
Jul 23, 2010
Reaction score
Yes sir, I agree with you. However, if you had shot and killed the gunman and then was sued by his family and tried by a jury. I'd hate to say it, but there are enough people who would see it differently.

So in this incident, I guess it turned out as best as it could. :screwy:

Luckily I the state of Oklahoma we won't have to worry about a following civil lawsuit and the incident has been found to be justifiable. And by the looks if this video.....TOTALLY justifiable. IMO


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2009
Reaction score
OKC metro
While I agree the purse-wielding woman was brave in taking a swipe at the gunman, I have to say I think she was foolhardy. Her counterattack was weak and ineffectual, and may have contributed to the gunman's sense of urgency. It's pure conjecture at this point, but perhaps her actions contributed to the gunman's firing of his weapon later in the incident. It's too bad the woman didn't have something hard and heavy, such as a brick, with which to clock the gunman - something that would have been more effective in disabling him than a floppy purse. Now, I'm assuming she didn't have a hard and heavy object in her purse. Anyway.

As for the man sitting nearby during this counterattack, he looked like an older gentleman. Perhaps he had bad knees or a weak heart, or some other ailment, so he couldn't come to her assistance quickly enough. More conjecture, so to say "why did this happen or not..." is to miss the point, which is that none of us were there and really, who amongst us could say for sure we'd take this or that action?

On a related note, how would a CCW come into play here without legal repercussions? I know, some of you will say "Better judged by 12 than carried by 6," but let's just focus on the legal aspect. If you had a CCW and were in that room, and the gunman pulled out his weapon but did not point it at you or even confront you directly, what would be considered a justified response on your part? What if you were in the general public seating section - that is, behind the gunman - and you heard him order everyone but the council members to leave? (I don't know if he actually said that since I cannot hear the audio portion of the video; I just noticed the room had cleared out quickly). Could you do anything legally with your CCW if you did not know the council members, and your life was not in immediate danger? If the gunman's back is to you and his weapon was pointed away from you at all times, would you be justified in drawing your CCW and firing at him, rather than just exiting the room with the rest of the public?

EDIT: Several other people just now beat me to it with the concept...

Once you are in the room as being requested to do by the gunman and he pulls the weapon out he has now shown intent to commit bodily harm. At that point I would consider myself in immenet danger and would defend myself at that point.


Special Hen
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Sand Springs
This scenario was posted while I was typing my above question. Let's say the woman with the purse was legally allowed to carry and shot the gunman from behind. I'm sure some lawyer would say that her life was NOT in danger and find some way to find her at fault?

Your thoughts?

I say give the lawyer one to the hip.

I'm sure glad gun control saved the day, or more so the bad guys lack of gun control. Those people are all very lucky. That lady was quite brave but she should have found something sharp to shank him in the neck instead of using the purse beatdown move.


Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
2300 N Lincoln Blvd, OKlahoma City, OK 73105
Before anyone flames me, I'm just commenting on his aim. "ALL" I'm saying is he is a HORRIBLE shot.

That guy was an idiot. He was too much of a coward to shoot himself at home like a man so he went out and tried to hurt people while at the same time trying to get some publicity and sympathy. Not happening here!

I am just glad he has never had any firearms training. I like the way he presented the pistol with the "ax" move then AD'd on the 2nd shot into the floor.

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