Has Jihad reached America?

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Apr 14, 2009
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Yes Dennis, it is. Coming to a major metropolitan city soon on an epic scale.

It is a serious warning coming from Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe as he warns of the potential of another attack on American soil. The senator sat down with Fox 25 to talk about a variety of topics, but as ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, the top issue was national security.

“We're in the most dangerous position we've ever been in as a nation,” Senator Inhofe told Fox 25's Phil Cross.

“ISIS, they are really bad terrorists, they're so bad even Al Qaida is afraid of them,” Inhofe said reflecting on the recent beheading of American journalist James Foley. Beyond the beheading, Inhofe said the current terror organizations are not going to stay contained to the Middle East. “They're crazy out there and they're rapidly developing a method of blowing up a major U.S. city and people just can't believe that's happening.”

Inhofe blames policy decisions from the Obama administration and cuts in defense spending for putting the country in what he calls a dangerous situation.

“He's [President Obama] going to have to come up with something that we're going to do because they're holding another hostage in place and the problem is, the President says all these things and he never does them,” Inhofe said.

Inhofe said he hopes after the mid-term elections there will be more Republicans in the Senate and more of a willingness for both parties to work on restoring cuts to defense spending.


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Apr 14, 2009
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The ranking Republican on the Armed Services Committee in the U.S. Senate is warning that ISIS terrorists, those who this week beheaded an American journalist, are trying to develop the capability of blowing up an entire American city.

The comments from Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., came in an interview with the Fox affiliate in Oklahoma City.

He said the U.S. now is in “the most dangerous position we’ve ever been in.”

Responding to questions about terror and the threat facing Americans, he said: “They’re crazy out there. And they are rapidly developing a method of blowing up a major U.S. city. You just can’t believe that’s happening.”

He told the station the threat is significant, and he blamed it on the cuts in defense spending made by President Obama.

“He’s going to have to come up with something we’re going to do because they’re holding another hostage … and the problem is the president, he says all these things and he never does them.”

ISIS members, he said, are “really bad terrorists.”

“They’re so bad that al-Qaida’s afraid of them.”

The threat to the U.S. should not be underestimated, he said.

“This idea they’re coming in, infiltrating the United States. Sure some are coming in that are associated with ISIS, but a majority of them are still over there and they are undoing a lot of the good that has been done,” he said.

According to a report in The Hill, ISIS, also known as Islamic State, “has long threatened to carry out a catastrophic attack on American soil, with a spokesman recently boasting that the militant group would fly its flag over the White House.”

WND reported just a day earlier that ISIS is training jihadists to attack targets in the U.S. and Europe.

U.S. intelligence sources said the al-Qaida splinter group includes thousands of European and American jihadists who fought in the Syrian civil war and came to Iraq to train and fight, first on behalf of various jihadist groups and now ISIS.

ISIS has declared the establishment of a caliphate that includes portions of northeastern Syria and western and central Iraq. It has threatened to expand throughout the Levant, which includes Syria, southern Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

ISIS could join forces with other al-Qaida groups such as Al-Qaida in the Arab Peninsula, or AQAP, and Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, or AQIM.

The development would make Europe particularly vulnerable from the south, especially through Spain, as WND recently reported.

Sources report in all, there are more than 2,000 Europeans and some 100 Americans who have gone to Syria to join ISIS.

The International Center for the Study of Radicalization at King’s College in London believes among the Europeans are some 700 French, 500 British, 100 Dutch, 300 German and 300 from various other countries, including Spain.

In June, Spanish officials arrested eight men attempting to recruit militants to fight for ISIS and then return to Spain.

Last fall, Britain’s MI-5 domestic security service stopped a plot to conduct an attack in London on the scale of the one conducted in Mumbai, India, in 2008.

The intelligence sources tell WND that officials in Europe and the U.S. are unprepared for what could be large-scale attacks.

WND also reported military experts are warning the Obama administration’s $1 trillion cut in defense spending will put U.S. military forces at a serious technological disadvantage in future conflicts.

In the past, U.S. technology has acted as a force multiplier, giving American fighting forces a huge advantage in combat situations.

The concern arises not only as ISIS threatens American interests in Syria, Iraq and possibly beyond. It also comes as Russia and communist China are increasing their defense spending for technological development.

“The loss of a long-held technical advantage would be a body blow to the U.S. military,” according to analysts of the open intelligence Langley Intelligence Group Network, or Lignet.

The technologies that would be affected include robotics for specialized combat duties, development of next-generation navigation and reconnaissance systems, unmanned mini-submarines and faster helicopters, the analysts said.

“Times are changing,” the analysts said. “After more than a decade of war, perennial federal budget deficits and a foreign policy notable for its reticence rather than vision, the U.S. defense budget for the next five to 10 years is likely to contract significantly” with a projected $1 trillion in cuts.


Aug 14, 2012
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The liberals on this bored are showing the same careless attitude of the president; that is leading us down this road of the ultimate terror attack on us soil.

It amazes me that they defend, downplay and argue about the reality of these terrorist, I mean manmade disasters.




Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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Quoting the suspect, "I'm just doing my small part"

The story has gone virtually unnoticed by the national media other than FOX.

Is this because most of the national media has became too PC to point to the obvious?

In some respects OSA's not much different from the media. Lots of PC apologists here too especially when it comes to islam and illegal immigration.


Aug 14, 2012
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The liberals on this bored are showing the same careless attitude of the president; that is leading us down this road of the ultimate terror attack on us soil.

It amazes me that they defend, downplay and argue about the reality of these terrorist, I mean manmade disasters.


Im curious as to what OSAs GOP Conservatives, such as yourself, are doing about this "ultimate terrorist attack"?? Other than hyping it up and blaming OSAs "Liberals".

Maybe we should follow your lead and start fear mongering and making predictions if the comming Muslim hordes.

Lets quick pass some anti sharia laws n keep em out of Oklahoma.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed

There is another chilling Chicago connection in the battle between the US. and extreme Islamic militants isil (ISIS).

First there’s the beheading of the journalist who was the Northwestern graduate.

Now WGN Investigates has found an online war of words and disturbing images that includes an implied threat to a Chicago landmark building.

It’s a nasty, sometimes horrible back and forth coming on the heels of U.S. bombing of ISIS forces in Iraq involving Facebook and Twitter pages with titles like, #AMessageFromISIStoUS and vice versa.

Near the top of this tit for tat is the gruesome video and pictures of journalist James Foley’s beheading.

Some Americans posted on the site disgusting photoshopped images Islamic religious leaders having sex with animals and images of U.S. firepower.

They’re reacting to one of the tweets which shows the ISIS flag in front of the White House.

But scroll down a little farther and you see a picture that might look familiar. Not the writing, which appears to be in Arabic, but the building in the background. That’s on Michigan Ave.

307 N. Michigan Ave to be precise. It’s at the corner of Michigan and South Water Street and it’s called the Old Republic Building.

What we found online was stunning. So we brought it to the attention of the building security team. The apparent message in this photo dated June 20th of this summer, is “soldiers of the Islamic state of Iraq and Syria will pass from here soon.”

Other tweets show the same two pictures saying “we are in your state/ we are in your cities / we are in your streets. You are our goals anywhere.”

More tweets say “we are here #america near our #target :) sooooooooooooon.”

No one in security at the Old Republic Building would comment, nor did the secret service, the FBI, or Chicago police.

So we don’t yet know who posted the picture in Chicago or why they chose that location.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
I've said it before, and I still believe it. ISIS/ISIL/IS, or whatever they decide to call themselves today, is not going to launch a coordinated attack on the U.S. anytime soon. They want to establish their Caliphate first. If they hit us now, they know it will force our hand and bring down the hate...

Hagel and others are beating the drum right now for a few reasons:

1) Round two of the Sequestration cuts are coming down the pipe within the next 6 months or less. Pumping up a new "threat" helps nix those cuts or at least lessen the blow to DoD

2) While everyone is crying about a reporter losing his head and some teenager taking a picture of a picture in front of the White House, nobody is talking about the border, the IRS political targeting scandal, fast and furious, Benghazi, the Obamacare employer mandate kicking in soon etc...

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