Hello Kitty 1, Me 0

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Special Hen
Jun 22, 2008
Reaction score
*****Warning Semi-Graphic Photo*****

Well last night was rather interesting.....

I was outside the house with the wife and kids, enjoying the cool evening air. Our neighbors and their kids came over to spend some time with us and all was going well......that is until I decide to ride my daughters Hello Kitty Scooter
[Broken External Image]

Now I've ridden this thing many times while playing with the kids, and never had a single problem (as one would expect). But being the genius that I am, I decided to sit my 200lb butt on the scooter and ride it down the driveway, instead of standing and riding as every other normal person would do.

The first dozen or so times everything went smoothly. Our driveway has a 40 or so degree slant as it meets the street, which makes for a nice jump as you move down the driveway. After a few runs into the street my wife tells me that she is going to put me in a 5 minute "time out" for being too dangerous and setting a bad example for the kids. I laugh and tell her to hush as I start pushing myself down towards the street.... I should have listened!!

This time didn't go as planned!

As I made the transition from driveway to street, I lost my balance and began to fall, so instinctively I dropped my left foot in order to brace myself from the fall and to stop my forward momentum. My foot hit the ground but my body kept moving forward. I felt my leg start to bend in a very unnatural direction, and it continued to do so until I heard a very loud pop, and then felt a not so wonderful pain throughout my left leg.

I lay on the ground in pain as my kids and the neighbors kids swarmed me asking if I was okay. My wife is still sitting at the top of the driveway laughing hysterically at my misfortune. After several minutes she realizes that I'm really not getting up and that something might be wrong. I try and keep my composure but the pain is excruciating! It doesn't make it any easier that my German Shepherd is trying to console me by licking my face while I lay in the street trying not to pass out from the pain.

It took about 20 minutes for things to get settled down and get loaded into my vehicle. The wife drove me to the nearest hospital to get checked out. When we arrived there were several people in the waiting room, but not too many. After waiting about 25 minutes a gentleman who had just received treatment for something, made a comment that it had taken him 3 hours to be seen by the 1 doctor working! I didn't want to move or leave, but the wife convinced me to try another hospital a few miles away. This was the best decision of the night. We were in within 5 minutes, and finished within 2 hours.

So whats the damage......a fracture on the left Tibia. I was pretty angry with myself for letting something like this happen, but I'm going to just say "lesson learned" and move on! Going along with my great sense of humor, I will be getting a hot pink cast to help remind me of my "good decision".





Special Hen
Jun 22, 2008
Reaction score
sorry to hear that.melt the scooter down and sell the metal.than you will have won

I threatened that when I got home and feeling better, myself and ef9 were going to take it to the range and teach it a lesson.........but I think I may let it stay as it makes me smile (a painful smile) every time I see it now.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
West OKC
Don't you know that those things are only safe for kids? LOL. Just remember. A real man does not care about a card, and is not afraid of pink...lol

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