I think medical premiums should be based on the voluntary risk factors one exposes themselves to.
Let’s see:
If you smoke or vape, that will add 1000% to the average premium.
If you eat at McDonald’s, Braun’s, Wendy’s, etc, that should add 500% to the average premium.
If you don’t exercise 30 minutes a day, that should add 250% to the average premium.
If we use some logic with insurance premiums then people might realize and adjust their own lifestyle to help reduce medical costs. But hey, most people don’t want to take responsibility for their own actions.
Let’s see:
If you smoke or vape, that will add 1000% to the average premium.
If you eat at McDonald’s, Braun’s, Wendy’s, etc, that should add 500% to the average premium.
If you don’t exercise 30 minutes a day, that should add 250% to the average premium.
If we use some logic with insurance premiums then people might realize and adjust their own lifestyle to help reduce medical costs. But hey, most people don’t want to take responsibility for their own actions.