I can't recommend Snake Creek to anyone

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Special Hen
Sep 15, 2020
Reaction score
Beggs, OK
Good morning! I am Stephen Todd, the owner of Snake Creek Shooting Sports, and wanted to address some of the above comments. This may be a little longer reply than usual but we love to hear the feedback and wanted to either grow from the above or explain why we do what we do!

Safety is our number one priority at Snake Creek. All of our RSOs are NRA Certified RSO's. We have yearly, mandatory training for our RSOs. What makes us different than a lot of the other places is we have a full time RSO on staff at all times. However, they are only one human being. They have rifle, pistol, tactical and shotgun to cover. If we were to hire an RSO for every area, you would be paying 4 times more than you are to cover their salaries. Most of the ranges in America do not even have full time staff members, we have an RSO that can take care of any issue within a minute or so. All you have to do if an RSO is not in your area, is call the number posted in the shooting area!!! When you call that number, we will have someone at your location immediately.

Membership Privileges
Memberships offer more than just stated above. We have special events just for members. You can call and reserve a lane anytime you would like. We stay open late for members, if requested. You also get discounts on items in the club house. You can special order guns at a discount (we're an FFL). You can bulk order ammo at a discount. There are a ton of privileges!

Short Pistol Range
We actually had our pistol at 25 yards. However, we moved the berm forward due to water draining issues once the tactical area was built. You can shoot up to 40 yards in the tactical area so any longer pistol shooting can be done there. It is the same price as renting a pistol lane for members. In fact, all of our CLEET training is done in the tactical area for qualifications!

200 Yard Rifle
We have a 200 yard rifle range for one reason only; the land we are built on cannot house a longer range. We cannot shoot North, West or South because of highway 75. Our land is only 400 yards or so wide west-east. So 200 it is!!! Also, the hills stop us. We have 4 high spots on our land so reach high spot stops you from getting over 200 yards.

In addition, only around 50% of people can even hit the steel targets at 200, much less something at 500+. We have noticed only around 10% of customers even practice at this length. Most of your customers shoot a couple times a year and come out to zero their scope at 100 yards and count it as good!

Steel at 200 Yards
The steel targets were actually installed by a MEMBER!! We had multiple members requesting steel targets and said the sound was way more important than the paper. However, if you want a paper target at 200, you can gladly set one up. We have the target stands readily available. In fact, you can let us know and we will go set it up for you!!

When we bought the land, the land next to ours had just been purchased. We knew someone would not like living next to a range so we called them and offered to buy their land, BEFORE they even built their house. We knew what they bought it for and offered them $50K more than they had just bought it for 2 months before. It made sense to us because their land was already a hay field and had no trees to clear. In addition, it was on the highway and had the perfect spot for our clubhouse. They refused our offer, and said they were building there no matter what.

Since that time they have done everything in their power to shut us down. They have called every state representative, called the DOT and said we were shooting at cars, called the Sheriff and said we were shooting at their house. They have sent letters from lawyers threatening us. Through all this though, we have stayed our course to operate legally and with the highest safety standards. They made the choice to go ahead and build AFTER we started our facility. We cannot change what they chose to do.

We have a ton of deer on our property and have to run them off at times to even shoot. It's a great hunting spot still!!! :)

If you have read this far, we appreciate the opinions above and understand we cannot cater to every shooter out there. We are NOT a long range shooting facility and do not act as such. We gladly refer customers to Recon that are looking for longer targets. However, we want to offer all we can so I encourage you to talk to us about issues and we will see what we can do. If there are problems, we will do all we can do to remedy them immediately. If you feel we need to go further to remedy a situation, feel free to write me directly at management@snakecreekss.com. We have been in business heading on 5 years now without a single injury or close call. We are proud of our safety record and WANT TO KNOW IMMEDIATELY if you see a safety issue at our facility. We have a full time RSO on site EVERY DAY!! Thank you for your patronage and I appreciate this community.

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