I have to work on Christmas

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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 30, 2010
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we will have our regular service starting @ 11 am Sunday morning at the new cowboy church on hwy 92 around the curve in Tuttle , OK. ur welcome


Special Hen
Jun 15, 2005
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Verdigris, OK
Service Sat night and Sun morning. I play in the praise band so we are doing double duty this weekend.
Claremore First United Methodist Church. If anyone looking for a place to worship Christmas eve or Christams morning,
you are most welcome to come.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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I am glad you celebrate them everyday - which is a wonderful attitude. But personal and public worship are a little different.

God doesn't get ticked in the way you seem to be proposing but one has to examine the reasons for not celebrating on the commemorative dates. One is never required to do what can't be done but if it just a matter of convenience to skip a holy day then that seems to go to motives and intent. The special holy days were established across the year to highlight and enhance, for everyone, great events in the life of the Church. Personally, I think that one "skips" them without good cause at one's own peril.

I guess I don't see anywhere in the New Testament that calls for celebrating certain holy days on certain dates. I think this is more of a tradition that was added later by different sects and denominations. If it makes you feel better to abide by those traditions then by all means you and your family should do it. I would encourage you and support you in doing so.

Just something for you to think about though. Matthew 15-9 "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."

Don't forget Kwanzaa begins on December 26th!!!!


Special Hen
Jul 17, 2006
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Broken Arrow
Ours - Battlecreek is having 3 Christmas Eve services, but none Christmas day. The pastor is doing some short 15min live feed services on Christmas day. Pretty cool but I can figure out how to get the stupid laptop to display on my TV. I even bought a avg to hdmi. Any ideas?

I'm a little torn, but I think if I worked at a church I would want to spend the day at home with my family. You don't have to be at church to worship GOD and his Son.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
I guess I don't see anywhere in the New Testament that calls for celebrating certain holy days on certain dates. I think this is more of a tradition that was added later by different sects and denominations. If it makes you feel better to abide by those traditions then by all means you and your family should do it. I would encourage you and support you in doing so.

Just something for you to think about though. Matthew 15-9 "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."

Don't forget Kwanzaa begins on December 26th!!!!

The quote illustrates that men without the guidance of the Holy Spirit can make very serious errors - luckily the Spirit was promised to the Church so that the Gates of Hell would not prevail (ooh! a good paraphrase riposte to a quote thrust). That quote is usually used (not saying you did) to justify ignoring whatever one chooses to that one didn't personally decide comes from Scripture.

What does whether it is in the New Testament explicitly have to do with it? The New Testament (and the old) is itself a product of Tradition guided by the Holy Spirit - there is no editor's guide saying what should or shouldn't be included nor are many things most Christians believe more than implied. Of course, this is religion so you may choose to believe none of it or some of it as suits you.

I will not start the quote/mis-quote war with you - it is rarely productive as nearly every thing in Scripture can taken out of context by both me and you. Have a Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year - whatever you believe or don't believe.

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