But not for long...
"Some ammunition that was previously exempted as primarily intended to be used for sporting purposes, specifically 5.56mm constituent projectiles of SS109 and M855 cartridges, will again be regulated as armor piercing ammunition. Except as provided by law, no person may manufacture or import such ammunition, and manufacturers or importers may not sell or deliver such ammunition. ATF will maintain the exemption for 30-06 M2AP cartridges
Proposed change to ATF regulatory framework for "armor piercing" ammunition
"Some ammunition that was previously exempted as primarily intended to be used for sporting purposes, specifically 5.56mm constituent projectiles of SS109 and M855 cartridges, will again be regulated as armor piercing ammunition. Except as provided by law, no person may manufacture or import such ammunition, and manufacturers or importers may not sell or deliver such ammunition. ATF will maintain the exemption for 30-06 M2AP cartridges
Proposed change to ATF regulatory framework for "armor piercing" ammunition