These Days it's the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT that has been corrupted!!! We have the TOOLS required to fix this, they are called VOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Less than half of eligible voters in this country bother to vote!! WE allow the lap dog NEWS MEDIA to no only tell us what to do, but what WE ARE ALLOWED TO THINK!! Of the 50% that bother to vote in Presidential elections, a large percentage of them are BRAIN DEAD ZOMBIES TO ONE POLITICAL PARTY, OR THE OTHER, that only leaves a very small percentage of A REAL AMERICANS, THAT ARE STILL CAPABLE OF LOGICAL REASONING, TO TRY AND OVERCOME THE NUTS!! AND WE END UP WITH WHAT WE HAVE RIGHT NOW!! IF WE DON'T CARE, WHY WOULDN'T CROOKS TAKE OVER, AND GET RICH? OVERWHELM THE NEXT RIGGED ELECTION, WITH LEGITIMATE VOTES, THEN DEMAND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BE ALLOWED TO WITNESS THE VOTE COUNT, EVERYWHERE!!!! OR LEARN TO LIVE ON YOUR KNEES, AND BEG THE POLITICAL ELITE FOR HANDOUTS!! I HOPE YOU LIKE CHINESE FOOD?Sadly, wouldnt happen these days