Iranian Ship Sinks

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Jun 15, 2005
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One is entitled to have a “different viewpoint” even if it aligns with the Islamists in Iran, Jew hating bigots here in the US of A or the liberal cause du jour from the “Democrat Plantation”. In case you might have missed it, that is what the First Amendment is all about. One is free to “sympathize” and “apologize” for Islamists all they want.

The problem occurs when one ignorantly equates understanding the motivations and reasonings for the actions of a group to be sympathy or apology for those actions.

A person can understand why the Iranian revolution occurred without agreeing with Islamic principles and the actions of the government that was put in place after the revolution. It is also wise to understand the role we played in inciting the revolution, learning from that, and being careful not to repeat the same mistakes.

Blue Heeler

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Dec 8, 2020
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LOL is right.

Something tells me it took you almost two hours to think of that retort. It was simplistically brilliant. "LOL".

Allow me to help with your compreshension. No one is doubting that we (for whatever reason) helped “prop up” or keep the Shah in power as the King of Iran. Even those who need adult supervision to each their breakfast can see that is what is there is there now is significantly worse.

To point ... to say as your partner did that “why shouldn’t the Iranians be pissed about that” is what is ignorant AF. Iranians that don’t have a Soviet tank parked in their garage, a spare RPG or a PKM are not happy with the Islamists. So to state that Iranians are not happy with the US doing what they did, is disingenuous.

What appears to have gone over your mildly pointy heads, from the early forties until 1979, Iran was not governed by the Islamists. Despite what liberal coloring books trying to rationalize B HO’s payments and gratuitous reach arounds to the Persians may whine, the Islamists are not a good representation of the “religion of peace”. They have a religious mandate to take Islam to every corner of the earth or die trying. Keeping such out of power would be a good thing.


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Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Yeah, you’re still ignorant of the facts.

Yes, Iran was not governed by islamists for a long time, but Islamic principles were built into their constitution and law. The Shah’s (and his father’s) suppression of that was an aggravating factor. The puppet we propped up perpetrated numerous other acts, not specific to Islam, that, if committed by a U.S. President, would have our citizenry up in arms as well.

The Shah was a useful tool against Soviet expansion, but we botched it and helped give rise to a revolution....and the problem with revolutions is sometimes there are stronger, less desirable, entities that ultimately rise to power in the chaos. The early opposition included constitutionalists, Islamists, marxists, communists, and democracy advocates....we obviously know who prevailed.

So again, understanding the root causes and mistakes doesn’t equal agreement with the actions or sympathy for the current regime.
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 17, 2020
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Yeah, you’re still ignorant of the facts.

Yes, Iran was not governed by islamists for a long time, but Islamic principles were built into their constitution and law. The Shah’s (and his father’s) suppression of that was an aggravating factor. The puppet we propped up perpetrated numerous other acts that, if committed by a U.S. President, would have our citizenry up in arms as well.

The Shah was a useful tool against Soviet expansion, but we botched it and helped give rise to a revolution....and the problem with revolutions is sometimes there are stronger, less desirable, entities that ultimately rise to power in the chaos.

So again, understanding the root causes and mistakes doesn’t equal agreement with the actions or sympathy for the current regime.

Then don’t claim Iran has a moral equivalence with the US.
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