It's Final -- Corn Ethanol Is Of No Use

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Special Hen
Mar 27, 2007
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The ethanol saves emissions is like saying if we put a huge solar powered light up on 1500 foot tall tower over each city and said "oh look we have daylight without using electricity" it is so much cleaner.


Special Hen
Dec 12, 2009
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Florida former Okie.
When the ethanol business got started, MIT published a paper showing that the ethanol production from start to finish was producing more carbon than gasoline from start to finish.
The federal government, with that information in their hands decided to increase ethanol production, the opposite of what a reasonable person would expect.
That's how things work in DC, it all started with the Viagra and former senator Bob Dole from Kansas, a state that grows a lot of corn.
Nothing to do with the environment, most environmentalists were against it but kept quiet afraid of the backlash.
In the mean time, ADM (Supermarket to the world) and other huge agri corporations did what they do best, get more corporate welfare (Bob Dole is an official ADM lobbyist and gets cash and use of the corporate jet), while the public gets screwed in more ways than one.
The latest environmental study will achieve nothing for the simple reason that the ethanol business never had to do anything with the environment, it had to do with ripping off the taxpayers.
People are so happy to find the useful idiots (the environmentalists) to hate that always miss the real problem.
No different than oil in the federal lands. You can blame the barefoot hippies if it makes you feel good but it has nothing to do with reality.
The US is an OPEC country (unofficially of course) and as such it does what OPEC does, restricts production to maintain high prices. This by the way is the official position of the government.
This of course is not the only area where the government controls production to maintain high prices, that's what the Farm Bill is all about, that's why the government pays people not to grow, stuff everybody is familiar with.
The problem is that when a business gets their prices artificially higher than what the market can bear, the consumer will get the shaft.
Next time you hear about the environmentalists stopping oil production, ask yourself, how many hippies vote Republican and why the Republicans are not able to lift restrictions on oil production on federal lands even when they have the White House, Senate and Representatives.
They don't want to.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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The ethanol debacle is probably a good picture for the future of the ObamaCare debacle.

It won't die even though it doesn't perform as promised, costs more and causes harm.

Ask not what your government can do for you but rather keep an eye out for what it is doing to you.


Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
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Spring, TX
Only the racers like it. They should sell it at race tracks and let the rest of us have real gasoline. :(

Heres the deal with that. As well as the "Are you saying E-85 is only 85% as efficient?"

Equal volumes of Ethanol and gasoline, ethanol doesn't produce as much energy as gasoline, fact. To net the same power from an engine with ethanol as gasoline you need to inject more ethanol into the cylinder than you would gasoline. Now for the racers, ethanol is more tolerant of heat and pressure, meaning it won't pre-ignite (detonate) like gasoline will which means with proper tuning you can actually get more power out of the same motor using ethanol, because you can push the limits further. You just need to use more ethanol to do it. Dont quote me on this number but I think it's ~15% more ethanol.

What sucks is that by the time we're at 40 mpg as standard gasoline will be $6.00/gal. It will be better for mother nature but your pocket book wont notice any difference.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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I see so many people filling up with ethanol and I just can't believe it. It's not even that much cheaper. Do these people not realize what that is doing to their car?

Small engines - I worry about damage and do not use it. Cars and trucks it is no problem according to an engineer I know who works in this area.

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