Judge Orders DOJ to Release Fast & Furious a List of Documents Withheld From Congress

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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
Of course.

Your well-reasoned, articulate, fact-filled post has me convinced.

Sorry, but I'm not convinced that your "factual source" (i.e. politifact) is actually factual. While "some" may have inferred that some of us are "sheeple," "mindless robots," or whatever for following FOX News, many of us have various sources other than FOX, and wonder if "those on the other side" aren't also "sheeple," "mindless robots," or whatever for believing their own sources.

As for the "ratings" for FOX News and CNN in that one set of links, what are the sources that determined that CNN was so good and FOX was so bad? I've not yet found those sources that in themselves can't be skewed, especially with respect to polls. If one doesn't know the "internals" of the polling, then the numbers can be easily falsified. Kind of reminds me of "garbage in - garbage out."


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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The emails are never going to see daylight, this is the most corrupt administration since....Nixon-I guess and this one is far worse than Nixon. If we only knew what is going on behind the curtain, we'd not be able to sleep tonight. I didn't trust Obama from the first time I saw him on TV in 2008 and my suspicions have proved correct. over time. He should do everything humanly possible to protect this country and he is screwing off somewhere on vacation or fund raising while the country goes down the toilet. Our borders, Constitution, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS and NSA scandals etc, etc. Please don't; get me going on this, I'm pro-military and pro-America!

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