I visted with a person that lives in Johannesburg, South Africa, on line lately. I ask about the situatiuon on farm land being confiscated, from white farmers, by the government, with NO COMINSATION? They said that makes land worthless, because no one would buy land, for any price that could LEGALLY BE CONFISCATED by the government! They also said Communist China was buying all this land for a song, because the white farmers, and their families are being randomly MURDERED, in the most burtal way imaginable, to scare the others off the land! And these roving gangs of blacks, are never caught, or even looked for, by the blacks only government! I guess the Communist Chinese Party is powerful enough, to not have to worry about their land being confiscated! OVERWHELM THE NEXT RIGGED ELECTION WITH LEGITIMATE VOTES, THEN WITNESS THE VOTE COUNT, IF ALLOWED? OR WE COULD BE NEXT?Da chinamen dun bought it all