You will rarely, if ever, find any real discount on a Leupold riflescope. If you do, be sure before you buy that it's not a counterfeit. There are many Chinese counterfeits out there.
I bought Leupold because - first, they are darn good products; second, they are American made. If you properly match the scope to the caliber weapon you plan to mount it on, it should last you a seriously long time, making it well worth the modest amount you might feel it costs you over most other brands.
The failure of consumers in this country to recognize the harm done by Chinese dumps is one of my pet peeves. I make a real attempt to buy American whenever I can. Can't always do it, but it never hurts to try. Leupold was one of the easiest decisions I've ever made in this regard.
Somebody kick my soap box over.
stay on the soapbox ronny, you speak the truth