Masks On Masks Off

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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
OK. I'm gonna catch heat here for this, but I have a doctor that is more concerned with whether I have had a flu shot than what is wrong with my knees. I'm pretty sure that it is arthritis, but my doctor didn't even check my knees at all.

So, don't give me this crud about experts.

Secondly, I do "occasionally" wear a mask, but ONLY because someone absolutely requires it to enter their premises. Otherwise, I have a concern of oxygen deprivation that a mask would contribute to, so when I get inside said premises, the mask comes down below my nose. I'm not sure I can be convinced that when one exhales that ALL of the carbon dioxide escapes through the mask, thus when in inhale, I'm taking in some carbon dioxide with the oxygen. Thus, I'm being deprived of some oxygen.


Jan 19, 2007
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Hard to say. Politics maybe. Honestly, if people were willing to social distance, I'd bet that would do it... but people are both stubborn, egotistical, and stupid looking for any chance to rebel against a system fearing the worst.

To be fair, while y'all all had fun mocking Fauci for his "way over the top" 200k deaths estimate, that sentiment didn't age well through Summer.

The lethality of the rona is based on which strain you catch. I assume the hysteria is primed worst case scenario based on the deadlier strains.

No, it didn't age well, if you trust the numbers... But with stuff like Comey and the FBI completely fabricating fiction out of their a$$ to frame Trump (they did frame a 3 star general). I'd ask you why you think you can trust the numbers by the CDC? With stories exposing shotty record keeping by blaming COVID for deaths not caused by it and those are simply the ones we caught.... And there also being a financial incentive by hostpitals to do the same... Yet, here you are, trusting the numbers and using them to drive a point. Seems awfully convenient to your position. I'd think you'd want to champion truth over being right.

We've had doctors state on the record that this thing is not what the MSM and others are making it out to be... They've been silenced. Is that okay with you? People are being manipulated to only accept one narrative. I can't trust anyone so I go by my own experiences... I don't personally know anyone that's died from COVID. I know of people dying from it and that pretty much supports the less than 1% mortality rate.

How many people do you personally know that have died from it?

So, sorry, not going to buy into the hysteria when I don't know ANYONE (FB friends, work friends and family etc... which is a lot of people).

But I do know people that tested positive for it. I may have had it earlier this year but we all kicked its ass like it was a flu or a common cold.

So, you see. Reality tells me a far different story than the hysterical media and internet experts.

I'm not social distancing or wearing a mask for something I've likely already had. For me, the "risk" is not worth doing all that s#@!.


Jan 19, 2007
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It is such a pain to be polite...

Sure, if that's how you look at it... For me it's not about being polite it's a big middle finger to those in power that want to skirt the Constitution and force me to do something I don't believe is at all legal nor constitutional. At this point, it's all about pushing back and saying that is not OK. For me, it's a liberty/freedom issue and that's far more important to me than appearing polite to others.

Government is a necessary evil (Thomas Paine) and it's always in your best interest to keep it in check because it will always try to expand itself and empower itself even more. For me THATS far more important than appearing polite. For you, you don't care about that. Let government do as they please, even if grants them even more authority... You just don't want to appear impolite to others.



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Special Hen Supporter
May 24, 2008
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And to add, if you want to talk conspiracies... Let's talk Hydroxychloriquine and the countries that treat it like candy since it's a Malaria drug and their almost non-existent COVID "pandemic."

I'm sure it's just a coincidence though.
MS you like to play with sheep. Play on.


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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It is such a pain to be polite...

There is being polite and then there is allowing people to push their beliefs off on you to avoid any possible conflict. I am being polite by minding my distance to you, making sure my hands are clean and not coughing or sneezing in your general direction. Masks create a serious problem for me -- not only philosophically but medically. Why are any medical concerns you have more important than the medical concerns I have??

I've had strangers actually question me as to why I don't have a mask on. What in the world gives a stranger the right to think I owe them any kind of explanation about anything in the world?? I've never asked a stranger why they have a mask on?? I don't feel like anyone owes me an explanation as to why they do or do not do anything out in public but some definitely feel entitled to information about me. They have no clue how to act when I tell them I have a valid medical exemption and it's really none of their business WHAT that exemption is. And no -- I'm not particularly nice about it because I don't like the fact that some stranger thinks I owe them anything. Like I have to have permission from THEM to be where I am?? Yeah ... Nope.

ETA: It's mostly a rhetorical question, not directed at you personally, though it kinda sounds that way.
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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 21, 2018
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I saw a kid at the OU campus today wearing what looked like a full SCUBA outfit. Full face shield with a hose coming off the bottom and into a backpack; I'm guessing an O2 generator?
He was alone and walking outside.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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No, it didn't age well, if you trust the numbers... But with stuff like Comey and the FBI completely fabricating fiction out of their a$$ to frame Trump (they did frame a 3 star general). I'd ask you why you think you can trust the numbers by the CDC? With stories exposing shotty record keeping by blaming COVID for deaths not caused by it and those are simply the ones we caught.... And there also being a financial incentive by hostpitals to do the same... Yet, here you are, trusting the numbers and using them to drive a point. Seems awfully convenient to your position. I'd think you'd want to champion truth over being right.

We've had doctors state on the record that this thing is not what the MSM and others are making it out to be... They've been silenced. Is that okay with you? People are being manipulated to only accept one narrative. I can't trust anyone so I go by my own experiences... I don't personally know anyone that's died from COVID. I know of people dying from it and that pretty much supports the less than 1% mortality rate.

How many people do you personally know that have died from it?

So, sorry, not going to buy into the hysteria when I don't know ANYONE (FB friends, work friends and family etc... which is a lot of people).

But I do know people that tested positive for it. I may have had it earlier this year but we all kicked its ass like it was a flu or a common cold.

So, you see. Reality tells me a far different story than the hysterical media and internet experts.

I'm not social distancing or wearing a mask for something I've likely already had. For me, the "risk" is not worth doing all that s#@!.

Those who write history control the story. It's a true sentiment that goes back through all recorded history.

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