10 acres is just about the size they like. even more important i hear is a good source of electricity especially 3 phase.
You’re definitely right about it being cheaper, but from someone who’s in your situation, not having to haul clothes, cooking supplies, food, and all your hunting gear back and forth is REALLY NICE.I’ll probably really try to buy it. Don’t think I’ll ever build there, but having the option (for me or a subsequent landowner would be nice). Just parking an RV or renting an Airbnb (like right now) would probably always be cheaper than maintenance and insurance on a place.
That’s what I was hoping to hear. May mean I won’t have to pay top dollar.There is a big influx of closed down weed operations hitting the Real Estate market. Even big ones.
Wife and I have been looking from Shawnee to Meeker and 77 to 99. Have looked at several closed weed grows, both open and indoor.
The last time we were in Vancouver BC on a transfer bus between the airport and ship terminal, the driver was giving a running commentary about how the Chinese rich were buying so much land in the area that it no longer sold by the square foot but by the square inch.The real estate problems here in oklahoma are a direct reflection of the real estate problems in China and what is happening to the citizens of China who had the ability to buy, that ability has disappeared with recent changes in Chinese laws and the wealthy Chinese are going up in smoke all over the world.