My proof: sweat the details

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Special Hen
Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
I have some experience as well, not likely as much as you do. I would agree that there is nothing more humbling than wind. It'll be important to find a few mentors. To answer your question, no. I am far from good enough to read that well, but I'm passionate about it. Time, training, and experience will gradually get me to where I want to be.

I've been at this game for 5 years now. It all started after my first antelope hunt. Out in SE Colorado where you can see 360* horizon to horizon I needed to expand my range. I'm fairly confident shooting at deer/antelope out to 800 yards given the right conditions. My GA Precision 7wsm is certainly accurate enough but my confidence has not yet reached the level of the rifle. Hopefully I'll draw a tag this year and be back at it come October.

You certainly have a great caliber for this sport and if you take good range data every time you go out I have no doubt you'll soon be shooting like your buddies if not better.

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