My Property Taxes - Question

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Special Hen
Nov 5, 2022
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Around my location, the beekeeper pays the landowner in a quart or so of honey every so often. Not many keepers around here. Mostly hobby bee keepers.
I know of two. One had a trap on our place last summer trying to gather a hive, but wasn't successful. He put a hive on a buddy's place that is producing well. Probably because there is a garden nursery across the street.
If you host bees, you get honey. My neighbor in Seattle let me place hives when I was over my # and got all the honey she wanted.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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In the woods...between OKC & Tulsa
As mentioned, they don’t go into a house. Instead they make assumptions based on the outside dimensions of each building. Like they assessed my shop as living space. I notified them it was not living space and the assessor removed 1000 sqf from the assessed value of the house. It was assessed at a lower per foot amount.

Make sure the sqf is correct on each assessed living space and look at comparable properties and the assessed price per foot. If your footage is wrong or have a much higher per sqf assessment, you have something to challenge.

One note, when improvements are made to the property, the taxable value can be increased more than the limited amount of 3.5% (i think). So if you made improvements, the assessor has ways to know that, like adding footage to a house and adding an additional HVAC outside.

Not sure about your county, but Rogers county assessor site has pictures of my property from many different angles and if something changes, they must review the historical images and catch the changes.

I added an outdoor fireplace and my taxes went up because of the improvements.

It makes me not want to improve my property. Currently my capped amount is 40k less than my assessed amount. And that’s because of the limited amount the capped amount can be increased each year. If I made any improvements, they would increase my capped amount to the assessed amount and then raise both to account for the improvements.

Visit your county’s assessor and treasurer sites to see if details to compare properties are provided and there should be specific information about how properties are assessed and taxed.

This site is very useful. Thinfinity VirtualUI

View attachment 440860

Go to the interactive map and use the icons on top of the map for different functions.

View attachment 440861
Looks like Lincoln County didn’t want to participate. They seem to march to the beat of a different drummer.
Apr 7, 2009
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Kind of on a related topic… What ticks me off about my property taxes is just how much of it goes to the Broken Arrow school system. More than a third! I don’t have any kids, so paying that much into the public schools rankles me. I can understand how it takes a village to raise a child, and I have no issue with some of my property taxes going to that endeavor, but not over a third. It should be tiered according to how many of one’s kids go to the PS. If none, then the tax amount going to the schools should be a lot less.
Dec 9, 2021
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Tulsa, OK
Walk into the tax office. Be very friendly and extra nice. Tell them you need help understanding your tax records. Be up front and ask them about the makeup of the properties. What encompasses the charges. There could be errors. Years ago had a county trying to charge me for ten extra acres. Problem was the extra land was the road. They got it fixed.
Jan 10, 2014
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Kind of on a related topic… What ticks me off about my property taxes is just how much of it goes to the Broken Arrow school system. More than a third! I don’t have any kids, so paying that much into the public schools rankles me. I can understand how it takes a village to raise a child, and I have no issue with some of my property taxes going to that endeavor, but not over a third. It should be tiered according to how many of one’s kids go to the PS. If none, then the tax amount going to the schools should be a lot less.
You can become pro active and fight every school bond proposal that comes up


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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They do not go into buildings but they do take pictures of your buildings and property. They look for things on the buildings like electrical service, vent stacks for a bathroom, new doors and windows, air conditioning, etc. I got a letter in my mailbox from the county tax man saying they detected a new window on my house. Yeah, I finished out the big attic for our master bedroom.

They gonna catch ya!

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