Which is EXACTLY why I’ll never give them any more money!!!Right now, their imediate focus is to remain solvent and out of bankruptcy. Their WLP selected external legal counsel William Brewer has hit them with a 20 million dollar bill to be paid

Which is EXACTLY why I’ll never give them any more money!!!Right now, their imediate focus is to remain solvent and out of bankruptcy. Their WLP selected external legal counsel William Brewer has hit them with a 20 million dollar bill to be paid
All the more reason to support alternatives to the NRA! Monopolies lead to ruin!Who said anything about a "big govt organization"? You have to have training certifications from recognized organizations for many reasons, one of which is insurance liabilities.
Many states recognize NRA creds for their Concealed Carry Instructors
Scouting requires NRA creds
USA Shooting Sports recognizes Coaches creds from the NRA
NRA should tell them to get it from WLP.Right now, their imediate focus is to remain solvent and out of bankruptcy. Their WLP selected external legal counsel William Brewer has hit them with a 20 million dollar bill to be paid
They shoulda' hired Michael Cohen...he woulda' only stole $30K...Right now, their imediate focus is to remain solvent and out of bankruptcy. Their WLP selected external legal counsel William Brewer has hit them with a 20 million dollar bill to be paid
Right now, their imediate focus is to remain solvent and out of bankruptcy. Their WLP selected external legal counsel William Brewer has hit them with a 20 million dollar bill to be paid
I bet they’ll appreciate the revenue to pay their legal fees.Might join the NRA again.
NRA needs to demonstrate some good governance to retain their membership after the raping and robbing by recent executives.Mark Vaughan, Vice President of the OKC Gun Club, has been selected as 2nd Vice President of the NRA during the Board Meeting in Dallas today!