Off-hand, golf ball, iron sights at 25 yards - Can you hit it?

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Sep 7, 2009
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That headshot stuff is true. My Granny said the head was the best part of fried squirrel, both red and gray meat. She picked it out with a tine of her fork. However, I always suspected it was because she felt the best part should go to the working men.
Their normal table at that time consisted of 2 females and 6 males.
Jul 30, 2010
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Most of the people around here don't know what 100 yards is. I've stepped it off, used range finders. Shot at ranges. People around here just guess and it's usually in the 50 yd range when they show you where it took place. Same at further distances. 200 yds is a lot farther than people t hink. They'll claim 200 when it's actually closer to 100.

I hear you my friend,,,
I've often rolled my eyes when someone says,,,
I can hit (whatever) with my (whatever) at 100 yards every shot.

When I roll my eyes they often say,,,
"You saying I'm lying about this?"

I reply,,,
"I'm saying I don't think you know what 100 yards looks like."

I though, can pace a 100 yard distance quite accurately,,,
In the Military they taught us to take 30" steps while marching.
That's two paces equaling 5-feet so 120 paces equals 300 feet/100 yards.

Honestly, I've done this for years,,,
I'm never off by more that a yard or two.



Special Hen
Oct 23, 2013
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I was making my rounds of pawn shops today,,,
I overheard a conversation about hunting squirrels with a .22 rifle.

The man was saying that he hunts with open sights,,,
And regularly takes them at 50 yards or more.

I never challenge someone when they say stuff like this,,,
If I say anything at all I say; "I don't think you know what 50 yards is".

Anyways, after he left I got into a conversation with two other gentlemen,,,
They were both around my age (I'm 72) and hunted as kids,,,
None of us had a fancy rifle and none were scoped.

Heck, my rifle at the time was a single-shot Springfield,,,
It probably cost less than ten bucks brand new.

We sort of agreed that 25 yards was the average distance,,,
Where we could be confident of making the shot.

I did manage to take a few squirrels every now and then,,,
I'll certain that most were even closer than 25 yards.

Anyways that got me to thinking about my shooting habits, fiery-arms, and skill level,,,
Now that I'm all old and decrepit.

I'm somewhat OCD in my shooting habits,,,
For the past couple of years since I've been retired,,,
I've stuck to a routine of choosing my rifles for a specific purpose.

1) I have a CZ-457 At One with a 4-16 x 44 scope for 200 yard long distance shooting off of a bench using bags.
2) I have a CZ-512 Rifle with a 4-12 scope for silhouette out to 100 yards prone with a good bi-pod.
3) I have a CZ-512 Carbine with a red dot for Faux Steel Challenge and 50 yard plinking.

Now I'm home with a few (several?) adult beverages under my belt,,,
And I got to thinking about my squirrel hunting days,,,
My Pop always told me to go for head shots,,,
I wasn't always successful but I tried.

So now that I got to musing on the subject,,,
If hitting a squirrel head were the benchmark for accuracy,,,
It then follows that a measure of a shooters accuracy could be like this.

With whatever rifle/aiming device you want to use,,,
How far away can you hit a squirrel head,,,
Or in lieu of a squirrel, a golf ball?

I have a Mauser es340b with iron sights,,,
I think it would be an ideal rifle for shooting off-hand,,,
The targets would be golf balls (or eggs) at 25 yards distance.

So I think I'll make me a little stand to hold ten golf balls,,,
And use it as the 4th rifle, aiming device, shooting stance, and distance.

4) I have a Mauser es340b rifle with iron sights for off-hand shooting of golf balls at 25 yards.

I propose that my personal benchmark for accuracy could be,,,
Using any rifle, aiming device, and shooting stance,,,
How far away can you hit a golf ball?

Like I said,,,
I'm just musing.


I regularly shoot squirrels from 4-25 yards with a fixed 2.5x leupold. 50 yards open sights is doable, but not reliable


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
You'd have been reprimanded by my great grandparents for shooting a squirrel in the head. That was prime eating in dumplings.
My dad said he used to go squirrel hunting with my grandpa. They’d be walking through the woods and before my dad saw anything (which is saying something, because my dad had exceptional eyesight and was very observant), Grandpa’s rifle would swing up, a single shot would crack the air, and a squirrel would fall to the ground, always with the hole in the same spot, right behind the ear. Dad said once he could no longer put the shot in that same spot, Grandpa gave up squirrel hunting.

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